25|| dinner

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"Okay there drink it" I said as I pass Mattia an apple juice

Right after work Mattia drove us to target to get me my apple juices so right now me and him were in his car parked outside target opening the apple juices, I don't know how late it is but I do know it's a bit late since I can see the moon and it's dark outside

I smiled as I saw Mattia take a sip of the apple juice "okay now bite the bottle"

Mattia rolled his eyes and bit the bottle, the bottle made the crunch noise as he bites it and I laughed in excitement

"Okay that's kinda cool" Mattia said

"I told you, and this four pack is all mine" I said

"What no, we're going to share it" Mattia said

"I thought you said it was just a dumb apple juice" I said

"Yea well now I want one" Mattia says

"Fine" I groan "I'll give you two and I'll stay with two, only cuz your my boyfriend" I roll my eyes

"Come here" Mattia grabs my hand and yanks me closer to him so he could give me kisses "I should start taking you home" Mattia said and I nod

When I got home I looked at my phone and saw it was 11:30

"Where have you been" my mom said as she was sitting on my bed as I walked in

"I was out with Mattia" I said

"Do you see the time" my mom asked

"Yeah, I'm sorry for coming this late I just lost track of the time" I said

"I don't care. I love Mattia, I really do, he's a good guy, but you need to learn to ask permission and you need to learn that coming back home this late after being with a boy is also not okay" my mom

What the hell ? I've never seen this side of my mom, she never complains to me about my actions, and she knows I know better

"Mom I always hang out with Mattia and you never say nothing? Why are you getting upset all of a sudden?" I say

"Because on my break me, Pam, and carla had a little talk" my mom said

Pam and Carla are her friends she met at work, there basically like Karen's

"What did you guys have 'a little talk' about?" I ask

"They have daughters that are around your age or a little older than you and they tell me they never let them stay over at a boys house or hang around boys this late, because that leads to having a baby"

"Mom I know that, do you really think I'm going to try and get pregnant right now, I'm too young" I said

"Oh And also you need to start talking to me with respect, I'm the boss here not you" my mom says

"I know you are, I do talk too you with respect" I said "now can I go to sleep because I'm going to Mattias tomorrow and I need my rest"

"What did I say about the respect? You need to ask me not tell me your going out" my mom crosses her arms

"Mom they live right behind us it's not a big-" I tried to argue but my mom interrupted me

"I don't care you need to ask for permission, I'll wait and the longer I wait the more you wouldn't be allowed to go to Mattias" my mom says

I look down and secretly rolled my eyes "I'm sorry mom, can I please go to Mattias house tomorrow for a family dinner he invited me too" I said

"Yes you may" my mom says "see that wasn't so hard, oh and I want you back at seven" my mom said making me put my hands on my face

"Really? I'm only going to be there for only a coupe of hours" I said, I'm basically going to eat and then head home

"Well you have to come back at seven since your bedtime is at eight" my mom shrugged her shoulders

Now I have a fucking bedtime? I'm too old for that

"Mom I'm seventeen" I say

"And I'm your mom and until you live under your own roof you can make your own rules, if you don't like it you can always leave" I mom said

"Fine I'm sorry" I said

My mom nodded and got out my room, I grab my pillow and screamed into it


"Your here just in time" Mattia said as he opened the door for me with a big smile

I gave him a smile back and walked inside his house

"Y/n hey how are you honey" Mattias moms said as she was placing plates on the table

"Hi, and good how about you" I say and walk up to her to shake her hand

"I'm doing great" she said

After I was done shacking her hand I went and shook Mattias dads hand

"Do you need any help serving the food ms. Polibio" I asked

"Yes honey, can you take the food from the kitchen and place it on the table" she said and I nod

I made my way to Mattias kitchen as Mattia himself followed me and his parents stayed dinning room

I grab a container with food in it

I felt Mattias body get closer to me

"Baby?" Mattia whispered

"Yeah" I said as I turned around to face him

"My mom and dad don't know we're dating yet" Mattia said "I'll tell them after dinner"

"Fine with me" I smile

This story is kinda corny, it's literally so bad Idk how you guys like it😭 I ofc appreciate it tho❤️

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