24|| 'im fine'

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It's been three days since me and Mattia started dating now, it was Friday when he asked me out, Saturday and Sunday we didn't see each other but we did last hours on a phone call, today he was picking me up for school since it's Monday

"Mom I'm leaving" I shout

"Okay be safe, do you need a ride back? Or a ride to work?" My mom asked

"No thank you, Mattia got it" I said

"Okay well see you later baby" my mom said

"Bye" I close the door

I walk towards Mattias car and hop on

"Hey princess" Mattia says as he gives me a peck

"Hey" I said with a smile

"Do you want to get something to eat before we go to school ?" Mattia asked

"Uh no thanks, I'm not hungry" I said

Mattia looked at me with no emotion, then turned to the road and started driving

Minutes into the road I heard Mattia sigh "I know something is up, I felt it in my gut since our date" Mattia says

"I told you I was just nervous and wanted everything to go perfect" I said

"Then how come you still look like there's something wrong! You know if you don't like being around me you could've said no when I asked you to be my girlfriend" Mattia snapped as he stoped the car

I look at Mattia and furrowed my eyebrows "I actually want to be with you, why can't you except the fact that I'm actually fine, I like you a lot but not when you act like this"
I took my seat belt off and opened the car door

"What are you doing" Mattia asked

"Walking to school, we just started dating and I don't have time for this stupid argument that we're having" I closed his door and jogged to the side walk

"Y/N!" Mattia shouted for me as he rolled down his window but I ignored him and kept walking

I heard Mattia start the car again

"Y/n please" Mattia said

I was now walking with Mattia following me with his car

"Princess I'm sorry, please get back in the car" Mattia said

I stop to turn around and say "will you buy me those apple juice bottles that make the same noice as when you bite into a apple" I said

"Those things are expensive plus Why wou-" Mattia said but interrupted himself as he notices I kept walking since he didn't take my offer "fine I'll buy it, just get in the car" he sighed

"Okay" I smiled like a spoil little girl and got in his car

I put my seat belt on and he started driving

"You know we're going to be late now" Mattia laughed

"Don't care" I smiled

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