26|| offical

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I grabbed the containers with food and took them to the dinner table while Mattia helped me

"Okay I think that's it ma" Mattia tells his mother

"Okay well now the best part, the eating" his mom laughed "gianluca" Mattias mom shouted

"Yes mom" I heard a little boy voice shout back

"Food is ready" she said

Seconds later a boy appeared in the dinning room, i introduce myself too him, I'm pretty sure he was Mattias little brother, Mattias parents had made some lasagna and macaroni, me Mattia and his brother were all sitting on one side of the table while his parents sat on the other side

"So how's school going" Mattias dad asks me

"It's going good" I said with a smile as I get a piece of lasagna

"That's good" Mattias mom said "oh and so far your our best worker"

"Hey?" Mattia said making everyone laugh

"Of course so are you Mattia" his mom giggles

"Thanks, it means a lot, working for you guys is actually my first job" I said

"Happy you like it" Mattias dad said

I started eating my food, lasagna is actually one of my favorite foods, it's super delicious

I took my phone out just to check the time, I saw it was five thirty, I still have an hour and and a half to be here with Mattia

As much as I hate that I have a bed time now I still need to stay on my moms good side

I continued eating but once in a while I would check the time to make sure I was on track

I was also getting a bit anxious because right when we finished our food, Mattia would tell his parents that we were together and I don't know how they would react

Before I ate my last bite I took my phone out, it was now six on the dot

I felt a warm hand touch my thigh, I look down to see it was Mattias hand, he gently rubbed my thigh for comfort

I look up from my leg to see Mattias little brother staring at his hand on my thigh

I put my hand on top of Mattias hand and take it off my leg

I finished my food and right when I was going to go wash my dish Mattia sits me back down

"So pa, ma" Mattia coughed

"Yes Matti" his mom said

"I got some news to tell you guys" Mattia smiled, I could see he was getting nervous

"What is it bambino" his dad said

"Me and y/n are official now" he said as he grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze

"Like girlfriend and boyfriend?" Mattias dad asked

"Uh yes" Mattia rubbed the back of his head

"Is that so?" Mattias mom said looking at me

"Yes" I nod

Mattias parents looked at each other making me and Mattia even more anxious than we were already

"Well I'm happy for you two" Mattias mom smiled making all my stress leave

"And we hope you guys the best" Mattias dad said making Mattias stress go away

"You haven't had a girlfriend since je-" Mattias mom said but got interrupted by Mattia

"Mom can we please not talk about her right now" Mattia palms his head

"Sorry baby, I'm just happy you found love again, and I'm happy that your happy" his mom said

"Thanks" Mattia said

Talking about jenna really triggers mattia, I wonder if she still has an effect on him?

"Well me and y/n are going to spend a little time together before she leaves" Mattia said and his parents nod

"Wait, I need to wash my dish" I said

"Oh no honey you can leave it on the table" mrs. Polibio said making me nod

He grabs my hand and we walk to his room

"Are you okay?" I ask as I close his bedroom door

"Yeah" he said and flops on his bed "are you okay?"

I walk up to him and sat on the edge of the bed  "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask

"I don't know, you were acting weird today" he said "are you cheating ?" He asked randomly

"What no" I said "never that" I lay next to him to be face to face "why would you think that"

"Well all day today you wouldn't stop looking at you phone like you were waiting on someone to text you" Mattia says "I feel like you keep to many secrets from me"

"No baby" I cup his face "you got it all wrong, it's just my mom is starting to be all up my ass, she wants me home by seven and I kept checking my phone for the time to make sure I was on time" I say

"Oh" he simply said "well what about how you took my hand off your thigh, I was just trying to comfort you"

"Gianluca was looking and I didn't want him to get the wrong idea, plus he's young and that would just be disrespectful" I said making him smile

"When she respects your family" he said giving my kisses all over my face

"I should get going" I said and left a kiss on his lips

"Let me walk you home" Mattia said

"Okay" I smile

Short chapter :/ if you haven't yet, you should check out my other story <3

Thanks for 100k reads 💘

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