11|| daily things

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"Y/n wake up, your cute worker friend is here" my mom chuckles and shakes me lightly

"What ?" I say confused as I'm waking up

"He's downstairs I'll let him in your room, I have to head to work" my mom kisses my forehead and leaves

I put the cover over my head to hide the light and try to go back to sleep

"Hey sleepy head" I feel the person sit down on the corner of my bed

I look and see Mattia with a little smile, this was kinda embarrassing, he's all ready and dressed and I'm with a bed head and pj's

"What are you doing here" I say

"We're going to school together" he says

"What time is it ?" I groan

"Six thirty exactly "

"It's too early, School starts at 8, we got more than an hour and I'm tired" I pout

"I wanted to hang a bit with you and Stop being a baby" Mattia says "come on hop in the shower, you smell bad" Mattia jokes

"Ha ha so funny" I say sarcastically

I get up and go into the bathroom

"I'm going to wait downstairs okay" Mattia says threw the other side of the door


I get in the shower and play music, after I'm done I change into light blue jeans, a hot pink crop top and I slip on my white crocs

I walk downstairs and the smell of food hits me

"Mmmm, what's that smell" I ask Mattia

"I hope you didn't mind but I cooked some pancakes and eggs" Mattia severed me a plate

"Your so cute" I smiled and I see Mattia look down and blush "thank you" I said for the food

"No problem, I had to after I just disturbed your beauty sleep" he laughs

"Facts" I laugh "I like this Mattia better" I say "your kinda weird not gonna lie " I continue to laugh

"What, I make you food and this is what you tell me ?" He makes a hurt face

"Sorry sorry" I giggle "it's just that days ago we were always arguing, then you try to get in my pants and not your being all sweet, your like bipolar ass fuck" I take a bite of my pancake

"Wow, remind me to make you food more often" he laughs

"Oh i will" I laugh

We continued to eat and giggle, not that upset that I woke up early now

After we were done Mattia washed some dishes and we drove too school together in his car

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