Chapter 21

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Ok, so how are we going to do this? I just parked in front of the foster care family that I have grown up in. I still can't believe this is where I began my life.

We get out of my car and get into the gate, to the main door. I then knock on the door. On the second knock, the door opens.

"Well well well, I see you are back here, did you miss me?"

I look at him, the person who is the reason why I ran away from the foster care. He must be 40 by now. Now is different, now I'm not scared of him. I'm not that scared, weak girl.

"Excuse me who are you to talk to her this way," Max says, I'm so thankful that Max is with me.

"We didn't come here to fight, I need to speak to Mrs. Oz," I said trying to calm Max down.

"Yea, right, and you are saying that you didn't miss me," he said. Thankfully I see Mrs. Oz coming to the door, so I keep my mouth shut.

"What now..." He was going to say something, but thankfully Mrs. Oz came and stops him with her warm, welcoming smile

"Hi Avar, it's nice seeing you again," she said extending her hand. "Yea, well this is Max," I said shaking her hand

"Oh, so you've got a boyfriend?" The creep says. Who does he think he is? A rapist that's who he is. I just smile not answering him.

"Why don't you guys come inside?" Mrs. Oz says calmly.

"Sure," Max and I say in unions before we get inside.

"So, how can I help you, my dear?" Mrs. Oz asks once we get into her office. I wait for them a while. I have no idea what to say. I, Avar Dan, am clueless! I clear my throat, I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out,

"We came here because Avar has some questions," Max finally said. "Oh dear, Avar, just ask me away," Mrs. Oz says. "Um, well, I was wondering... I mean who... I mean how did I end up here, my parents took me here?" I finally asked. Mrs. Oz was nothing but good to me. I've never seen her weep or sad. It's my first time seeing her bitter. "Your parents," she huff's, forcing out the word. "I never met them. Mother Maria took you here, and that's all I know about your life before here," she finished. It's like she wishes she could answer me. "To be honest. This is my question too, I know as much as I said, but I believe mother Maria knows much more," I look at her, I know no Maria! "Who is Maria?" I ask her impatiently. "Mother Maria is the person who took you here. The only thing that she told me about you was your name," she answers like she wants me to know. "Tell me where can I find her?" I ask not believing myself. She indeed told me.



So are we going to this mother Maria?" Max ask me. We are now in the car. I'm driving to the church where mother Maria is "yes" I answer Max still looking at the road in front of me.

"Ok, here we are," we get in the church.

"May I help you," an old nun says with a warm smile. "Yea, we're here to see mother Maria," I answer. "And who are you?" She asks me. "Oh right, my name is Avar and this is Max" I really. Her face becomes pale by only hearing my name. "Did I said something wrong?" I ask with concern. "Oh no dear, just follow me," she finally says. We, Max and I follow her to a door. "Wait here," she says before she knocks at the door and goes inside. "Hi, I'm sorry, but there's something who wants to see you," I hear she said to someone. I assume it's mother Maria. "And who is it?" A welcoming voice asks. "Well; Avar," she said.

What's the deal of me being here!? I just pretend I didn't hear it.

"You can come in," the nun says. She's looking at me like she knows something, but she doesn't say much. It seems like she's in her 60s.

Once we get in, there's a table and two chairs in front of it. A woman who I assume is mother Maria is sitting on the chair behind the disk. She gestured for us to sit on the chair in front of the desk with her hand. A smile on her face. We sat down, waiting for her to speak. She looks at me in the eyes before she says "your eyes are still the same," I smile. "So innocent, so pure, yet full of adventure and curiosity," she adds.

"You must be mother Maria then," I said, more like state. She smiles and nods.

"And you are Avar, just the way in the..." She tails off was about to tell me something, but for some reason change her mind.

"How did I end up here?" I ask straight.

"Well, I can't tell you everything. Just know that you are just how I was hoping you'll be," she replies. What does that mean?

"Please, I need to know the truth. The whole truth. I mean how bad it can be? I can take care of myself. Plus I already know who my biological parents are!" I said.

"I wish I..." I know she wants to say that I wish I could tell you, but honestly, I just need to know whatever it is that she knows. I cut her off, "you can tell me, and you will." I say. "It's just you and me," I add hoping she won't mention god, but of course she does.

"But god," she said before thinking a bit and speaking again. "You are right, I can't hide it forever," she says looking at me pleading with her eyes to stop her, but I don't. I wait.

With that, she goes to a makeup table and hesitantly opens a drawer. Like she isn't sure what she's doing is a good idea or not. She then takes a small note that was in the drawer.

"Well, let's see how this goes," she says.

What is in the note?
How will everyone react?
Stay tuned!

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