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So this is a Zarcel-Zayn nd Marcel-fanfic not it's not going to be a bully falling in love type well maybe a bit but it's hard to explain, you'll just have to read it to get it. Enjoy.

Sweat grew in the palm of his hands and drip down on the side of his temple has people stared at him, eyes scanning him up and down has if he was some freak of nature or something he can't put his finger on.

He was new to the school and yet he already felt out of place, was it because of his gel hair? or his outfit? maybe it was his thick frame glasses he always wore to see.

He didn't know.

"Class this is Marcel, he is from Cheshire." The teacher announced like it was the most exciting thing in the world when it actually wasn't. "Please be kind and let him adjust to his new surroundings, especially you Mr.Dallas." the teacher warned his students to leave Marcel alone but Marcel knew better. He knew they wouldn't pay attention to the words of some teacher.

Marcel moved to the back where only a couple of chair's were and sat in one quickly and put his head down feeling nauseous of his new surroundings. He didn't like the school, he hated it. Yeah he may not know the school yet but already he felt alone and judge by everyone. That was his problem.


Everyone judge the way he talked, the way he dressed or the way he walked down the hallway. Everyone would laugh when he fell, always clumsy with his footing. He hated being teased by his peers,cause he was smarter and always eager to answer the questions the teachers asked. They always laugh, calling him names from ;teachers pet, nerd, book worm, those names didn't really bother him it's when they call him a fag just for being gay, but there was nothing wrong being gay. Right?

A loud bang echo through the room catching everyone attention even Marcel.

"Mr.Malik, nice of you to show up-"

"Yeah, aren't we all." Zayn groan rolling his eyes at the teacher. He's always late to class always giving zero fucks about everything even school, he didn't understand why he needed to be educated if was never going to college like his family expects him to do.

The teacher went back to teaching has Zayn went to the back of the class to go sit down and sleep or draw on the desk like he always does not wanting to learn about England's past wars or kingdoms. Zayn notice Marcel and not remembering him in the school halls or classroom.

"Your in my seat." Zayn said catching Marcel attention. He looked up to see the olive skin boy with golden orbs staring down at him with a scow on his face.

"I-I'm sorry." Marcel stutter, cursing himself for doing that when he's nervous or scared and right now he's a bit of both. He moved to the seat next to him letting Zayn sit where his previous position was.


That was the scent Marcel smelled when Zayn sat next to him, the strong scent of tobacco hit his nose making him cough a bit making Zayn look at him weirdly. Marcel notice but didn't say anything not knowing what the mysterious boy capable of doing.

Sweat slowly formed in his hands as Zayn stare was burning holes into his skull making Marcel squirm a bit in the chair, pulling on his collar a bit feeling the need of oxygen in his lungs and a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Can you stop?" He couldn't handle the pressure of being looked at. He hated when his peers stared but disliked when someone kept looking at him for more than five minutes. "Stop staring, please."

Zayn raised a brow at the scrawny boy who was breathing in deeply, chest rising and falling fast. Zayn notice how his green eyes behind his thick frame begged him to stop looking. He did.

"Thank y-you."


"How was school?" Niall asked Marcel who just stayed quite not wanting to talk to his shrink who was trying to help or at least trying to get him to talk knowing the boy has been through a rough time in his past.

Marcel fiddle with his vest looking out the window seeing Bradford cars and people pass by normal trying to stay on task of their jobs. Niall looked at Marcel has he stared out of the window waiting for him to speak or say one word of any sign of progress.



"I'm trying my best to help you but your not giving me anything, please talk to me. What comes out of you won't be shared outside this room. It's just between me and you." Niall tried to Marcel on his side and try to get Marcel to open up about his problems but everything he did wasn't working.

"It was okay...school. A bit boring but I guess that's what happens when you move to a new place huh? Starting all over cause something in the past screwed you over and messed up my mine." Marcel was talking now and Niall like that, writing his words trying to see if he can help the boy out.

"Make any friends?"

"No." His voice flat and broken."Kids at the school hate me."

"Why is that?" Niall cocked a brow at the boy seeing his body movement change a bit knowing he was debating to say it or not.

Marcel shrugged his shoulders acting like he didn't know, but he truly did. He knew the kids didn't like him cause the way he talked,dressed ,walked they hate everything about him but how can you hate someone you barley even know?

"I believe you do know." Niall mutter softly has the timer went off making Marcel jump a bit at the loudness. "See you next week, Same time okay?"

Marcel nodded giving Niall a quick smile before getting up and leaving the room. He stepped outside letting the cold air hit his face making him cringe at the smell of cigarette smoke hitting his nose. Turning slightly he saw the same boy he had for class this morning smoking a cigarette, blowing the grey airy toxic substance into the air has he lean against the wall wearing only combat boots, dark jeans, white shirt and a black coat that kept the cold air from his skin.

Zayn felt eyes burning into him making him turn his head to see the kid who was in his seat staring at him in a curious way. Zayn flicked the cigarette to the floor stepping on it to put it out making his way to Marcel.

"You know I may be pretty and all but no need to stare." Sarcasm laced in his voice making Marcel snap out of his daze.

"I'm s-sorry I-I-"

"Just shut up. Your giving me a fucking headache just by your voice." Zayn spat making Marcel stomach feel weird and sorta sad. He felt like crying for an odd reason.

"I'm sorry." He choked out as Zayn just rolled his eyes mumbling a 'whatever' before entering the building.
A/N: a new fanfic and it's not a mpreg, sorry to disappoint you guys but I'm trying to write diffrent things. So how do you like this chapter so far? I think it's pretty good for a chapter.

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Thank-you -Z.Z

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