I can't see the future
But I can imagine
With others in my arms it was harder to imagine the future
With you it's like I have it all figured out
I don't
I can imagine something going wrong
but why should I do that, sweet thing?
Something might go wrong, darling
but it won't change my feelings
it won't change the time warp that happens when I talk to you
it won't change the fact that we want the same thing with different looks sometimes
But God smiled on me when he put it into your head
God smiled even wider when you shared it with me
I've stayed away this long to keep everyone safe
But who knows how many months we'll build the future after I see you
who knows how many times we'll drive straight into a dream
who knows how many times we'll take on a deep blue challenge together and win
for now
Poetrypoems for this time and to an incredibly beautiful girl. a reminder that people are mostly good. feelings are mostly good. life is good and life changes every day. Feelings protect you, and it's okay not to be okay.