my comfort zone is like a hive
Very few allowed in
Very easily disturbed
Now this has seemed like a weakness but is a hive truly ever weak?
Or is it precise
Goal oriented
Designed to fit a certain life
Am I stronger and less dangerous that I imagined?
There is no more pride in being dangerous for me
I am driven as a hive
But not as inwardly focused
I am a hive that saves honey for others when my needs are full
Tailored to their needs as much as is possible
I am a hive that could become stronger if the outside requires it
I am a hive unconcerned with some things of the world
Until I need to be
A hive made of wax has always been flexible
There is so much strength in being flexible
for now
Poezjapoems for this time and to an incredibly beautiful girl. a reminder that people are mostly good. feelings are mostly good. life is good and life changes every day. Feelings protect you, and it's okay not to be okay.