I guess I was due for a real concern
I guess we are due for an actual meeting
I guess I was due to feel insecure again
I guess I am ready to stop just wishing you were here
I guess I am ready to use logistics and bring myself thereI guess I am ready to pull a Monday
I guess I am ready to let you see my gutsI guess I am ready
to fail or succeed on a scarier level
Take me to the top of the tower or terror
Take me to the part of you other people miss out on
Take me to what is making you fearTake me to what is making you push through regardless
Show me what you wish everyone could appreciate
Show me what strangers loveShow me what you know is due
for now
Poesiapoems for this time and to an incredibly beautiful girl. a reminder that people are mostly good. feelings are mostly good. life is good and life changes every day. Feelings protect you, and it's okay not to be okay.