Steve Harrington's children

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Billy's on top of Steve one hand threaded into his hair and the other under his shirt grasping his hip. Steve's hands resting around the blonde boy's neck.

Steve parts from the kiss looking at Billy before saying; "Jesus" whilst breathing heavily.

"Nope it's still Billy" the other boy replies smirking.

Steve slaps his shoulder playfully.

"Did you come over to make fun of me or make out with me"

"Honestly, both" Billy pauses, "and maybe a bit more" Billy says then kissing Steve from his cheek to.

Steve giggles before asking, "When do you have to be home?"

"Thanks for ruining the mood" Billy sighs rolling off Steve now laying on his back, "but today is Friday so I can stay over until Saturday afternoon"

"Okay" Steve says rolling over and getting on top of Billy, "and the moods not ruined"

"Prove it pretty boy" Billy says

Steve smirks leaning in to kiss Billy again but stops when the door bell is rang.

"Now the moods gone" Billy sighs.

"Just ignore it i'm sure they'll go away eventually" Steve says then kissing Billy.

Billy ran his hands up Steve's thighs and stopped at his waist, taking hold of it and rolling them over on the bed without parting from the kiss. The two returned to their original position, the only problem was the fact that the person ringing the door bell didn't take the hint and went away but decided to continue to abuse the doorbell.

Billy pulled away sighing with frustration.

"I should probaly go see if it's something important" Steve said rubbing circles into Billy's cheek, "and if its not important I will be back right away".

Billy nodded and rolled off Steve. Steve made his way out of the room and down the stairs, the bell still ringing

Steve swung the door open.

"What the fuck do-" he stopped his sentence seeing as it was the kids and sighed, "what do you want?"

"What do you mean 'what do you want' the real question is what were you doing 30 minutes ago?" Dustin says.

Steve looks at the rest of them confused and looking for an answer.

"What he means is, why weren't you at his house for movie night?" Max says.

"Oh shit, I forgot"

"Yeah no shit" Mike speaks up, "why is Billy Hargrove's car here?" he points out, this making the kids turn around to see the blue car in the driveway.

"Holy shit!" Dustin shouts, "are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine okay" Steve says running a hand through his hair, "me and billy were just hanging out"

"You hang out with my brother" Max says like its the worlds best discovery.

"Yeah, so what do you want?"

"Are you kidding you stand us up to go chill with Billy Hargrove and now you asking what we want!" Dustin says pissed.

"Shut up I said I forgot" Steve repeats, "so what do you want?"

"Basically Steve we need to use your TV" Lucas says before the other say anything else rude.

"Seriously?" Steve questions.

"Well yeah its the only-" Mike was the cut off by Billy shouting at his from the stairs.

"Steve! I don't care who it is tell them to fuck off!"

Steve smiles awkwardly, "He's in a mood"

"Billy's always in a fucking mood" Max says and Lucas nods to agree.

"Language" Steve mutters.

"Is that Max!" Billy shouts.

After that no one says anything.

"Are you supposed to be here?" Steve asks quietly.

Max shakes her head no, Steve mentally curses when he hears Billy stomping down the stairs.

"Maxine why the fuck are you here?" Billy asks pissed.

"Because you left whilst Neil and Mum went on a trip" Max says back.

"Uh...why don't you guys come in and start the movie and Billy and I will get snacks" Steve says grabbing Billy by the wrist and leading him into the kitchen.

"What the fuck Steve?" Billy asks.

"I'm sorry I ditched them and they showed up" Steve apologized.

"You could've just told them to fuck off" Billy said pouting.

"Come on they're not that bad" Steve said opening a cupboard to get snacks.

"They are I only like little Byers because he's quiet" Billy replies getting snack bowls.

"Come on i'll drop them off in the morning and we have time to spend together until the afternoon" Steve pleaded.

"Fine but next time this happens I will tell them to fuck off"

"Yes, yes" Steve says kissing Billy's cheek.

It was a pretty okay movie night.

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