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  Laying in bed is something Dylann would always find herself doing during these  times, what else can be done in such boring days? Her back was pressed on her bed as she laid staring at the ceiling wishing she could've been on the roof top of some building in the lifely city she lived in. The cool summer breeze blowing through her light brown curls  while she wondered about all the unusual things our universe had to give, not to forget, overthinking (of course) just looking up at night stars, all alone.

She always loved the city and how it shined like stars during the night time.

But unfortunately, she was brought back to reality once a large box dropped on the floor of her not so empty room which was shared with her 1 year and 7 months ( to be precise) younger brother.

Frightened by her mothers loud voice screaming on the top of her lungs
She immediately jumped out of bed just to feel her head get lighter and her legs all numb.
She took a deep breath sighing
-"uh not again"
 and rushed down stairs  bumping and hitting all the boxes stacked up around the stair case. The place they were staying in  was full of their old junk since they were moving out pretty soon.
She still managed to make it down to the kitchen even when her vision went all black blurry as what would usually happen everytime she sprinted out of bed in a rush.

She sighed.

She dreaded these time and wished she could just disappear into thin air and wake up  months later.

Her mothers eyes spun around her daughters clothes with an unusual stare and a bit of confusion.
She knit her eyebrows and questioned
- " werent you supposed to go out with your friends an hour ago honey?"

Dylan's eyes got wider and rushed up to the second floor once again banging her hip on the metal rail.
She paused for a few seconds mouthing "ouch" with closed eyes,and then continued to speed up into her room with great pain in her right side.

checking all the messeges she was bombarded with from her friends who were wondering where she was made her feel terrible, but she managed to get dressed pretty quickly.

She threw on a thin pink cardigan as she pushed down the pajama pants she was wearing and stared at the new bruise she had just gotten along with the other old ones that were starting to heal.

She shuffled through all the shorts and pants in her drawer looking for one that would fit her perfectly, but as usual she put on the dark blue washed jeans that she would wear every other day.
-" side note, buy new jeans"
She smiled and thumbs uped herself in the mirror.

She felt awful for being such a bad friend and often questioned how her friends still even like her but little did she know, everyone was already used to the old, clumsy Dylann.

Staring back at her stop-watch, she was able to get ready in 3.45 minutes, her all new record!
She clunched her fist and whispered a small "yes!" to herself and swung the door of her room open making it hit the wall right behind it, and closed her ears with her hands right away .
She spun around grabbed her phone that was on her vanity along with some money she took from her mothers purse a few days ago.
Yelling to her mother:
- " tchau mom! I'll be back... some time today?"
Her moms words we cut when the front doors were slammed shut. She never knew what her mom wanted after that.

She glanced at the city in awe of how beautiful it was and back at the duplex they were living in for the past few years.
Her smile of joy was disturbed by a text from her friend Sally, still having no clue of where she was.

She walked down the street to the nearest subway station she would always take to school everyday with her younger brother, Austin. Even though she would take the train everyday she still felt a rush of anxiety and butterflies in her stomach once she stepped into the underground station filled with so many unfamiliar faces, too many unfamiliar faces.

She headed off to the ticket office,the place she hated the most for some reason, in order to buy a one way pass when a lady in her mid forties looked at her from the top of her too-small roundish glasses with an unamused face.
She had long black locks, that she pushed back her ear every few seconds, dark wrinkly skin and very fat fingers with a bright aqua blue ring in her right hand  that looked very out dated. She wore something that somewhat looked like the uniform she was forced to wear to the long hour shifts everyday.
She looked at her in disgust waiting for dylann to disappear.

-" ma'am can you please get going or tell me what you need?"

She screamed through the little microphone she had which was partially broken for sure, since half of the things she said were incomprehensible and sounded like the broken radio her grandparents once had in their old house.
Maybe that's why she would get anxious every time she steps into s subway station?

She stuttered and rose one finger up mumbling
-"uh.. one.. one ticket please"
And forced an awkward little smile on her face trying to break the tension on the womans face but failed to do so.

The woman rolled her eyes as she cut one ticket and handed it to Dylann along with a few coins for change, 40 cents to be exact.
She turned around and headed onto the escalator looking at her phone.

She was already an hour and twenty one minutes late.

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