
15 2 0

Its been a year already and living here never got a bit easier.

After my mothers passing, everything started to fall apart. My dad disappeared and never asked about me ever since that day. I was then forced to live with my very ill grandmother and work non-stop, to top it all, I had to hear all my show-off grandpa's stories for a full 365 days and a quarter.

If I'd had to think about it, the only decent thing that happened was meeting Dylann around two months ago.
I've known her father since my first day here and luckily he was the only person willing to help me out.
well at a cost.

I jumped on my broken bed that would squeak everytime I moved. I was exhausted from going up the stairs for the third time already in the past hour. I thought to myself about how drastic my life had changed, from living with my loving mother to now 'working' for an old lady and her husband who couldnt care less about me.

To be quite honest, I do feel bad for them at times but that doesnt last long since my insanely rich grandpa is living his best life, but never seemed to want to help his wife out and somehow managed to waste the thousands of dollars he made instantly.

I wondered how selfish someonecould be, but what bothered me the most was how everyone praised him without knowing how cruel he was.

The sound of the loud knocks made me sprint as I stuck my head out to see who would possible be here at 7 a.m .
I ran down the hallway to check that my grandparents were sound asleep before I went down the stairs jumping 2 steps at a time.

I swung the front door open when the clueless teenage girl stood infront of me.

-" hey... good morning?"

-" its 7a.m what are you doing here?" I looked at her before I stuck my head out the door to make sure no one saw us.

-"well I'm sorry, but I dont think you were asleep at all" she looked down and back up noticing that I was fully dressed smirking as she crossed her arms leaning on the door frame.

I looked at her and shrugged.
-" well come inside then." I pointed inside at the couch for her to come in.

-" I cant-" she said slowly

-" why?" I looked confused before I got what she meant.

-" 'cause, it's just you and I." She smiled lightly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed
As I pulled her arm and both sat on the top of front porch that was worn out from me sitting there all the time.

-" so what's up?" I turned around facing her and layed my back on the wooden railing.

-" well first off, I'm sorry that I came here so early but it's the only time we could be alone-" she moved her hands multiple times as a result of her feeling anxious-

My eyes widened and my heart beated fast anxiously. She looked at my and raised one eyebrow.

-" dont look at me like that, dont get your hopes up-"

-" what the- oh hell no." I felt my face blush as I pretended to be very unamused. "can you finish what you were saying already?"

-" fine fine."
She opened up her bag and pulled two letters from it and a bunch of torn pieces of paper.

-" what's that?" I pointed at the paper that was starting to fall from both her hands.

-"Well, I've been finding weird letters in the mail with my name on them since the day I got here-" She looked at me to make sure I was paying attention.

"-I just found the third one today."

-"Huh. That's weird." I leaned closer to her "What do they say inside? " I a grabbed a letter from her hand flipping it as I examined the outside before I handed it back to her.

-" the first one wasnt that bad, it was just very creepy. It called me 'lil dyl' and no one calls me that- except my dad and my grandpa."

-" well what if its your granddad who sent them then?"

She rolled her eyes and looked back at me.
-" luke, my granddad died when I was seven. Plus he would have signed off with his name."

We exchanged looks for a second before it became quiet all of a sudden thinking of what this could possibly mean.

-" well that one isnt open, dont ya wanna read it?" I shuffled with excitment.

She shook her head slowly.

-" not really-" she paused

-" well i do" i raised my eyebrows up as I quickly snatched it from her hands.

Before I could ripe the letter wide open the sound of the 100 year old door rubbing against the metal railing made us both cringe pressing out ears hard.

I could feel someone moving closer to us.I looked back at the corner of my eye glancing at the very familiar brown dress shoes.
We both turned together slowly facing the tall man in a blue and purple stripped button up shirt and chocolate brown pants.

He looked at me and stared as he knit his eyebrows together at the sight of me hanging out with a female at around 7 a.m.

I could feel his stare dig into my soul.

I looked at Dylann who was sitting on my left and back up at my grandfather. Her face blushed and signs of panic bursted in her face.

He said no word as he walked slowly around us and down the wooden stairs. He got into his black truck parked behind my car.
The engine started and we both watched the car leave the neighborhood.

She turned around within a second and hit my arm with the back of her hand.

-" your grandfather is doctor. Timothy??" She whispered in shook.

-" So?" I looked both sides and back at her. "is it that important to know? Hes a douchbag anyways-"

-" luke."


-"shut up."

-"ok." I placed my chin in my hand as I leaned forward with my arms laying on my knees as I smiled widely at her as she rolled her eyes irritated.

She didnt say a single word but instead stared at the neighborhood starting to wake up.

-" Are you going to say anything oorrrr can I open the letter?-"

-" no!" she yelled as she snatched it from my hands.

-" well atleast read it yourself! What if it says something important? Huh? You didnt finish reading the first one, you ripped the second and you dont even wanna open the third! How stupid do you get!?"
I screamed at her before I my body filled with regret.

-" ok then. Sorry I'm that stupid-" she got up and faced her house. I immediately held her hand and pulled her down making her sit next to me once again.
-" what do ya want?!" Her fierce eyes looked at me unamused as they became red.

-" I'm sorry, I just think you should read them, maybe you could figure out who sending them?" I said calmly.

She sighed before she threw the letter back in my hand and placed her head on her knees rapping her arms around them making her look like a cute little baby.

I opened the letter as it read

Hey dyl, how have you been?

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