6:00 PM

21 3 0

Dylann walked into "her" room, rubbing her hands together to warm them up, she stepped in to take a last look at the place that would soon belong to someone else.
She took one last deep breath as she shut the windows tight, stopping the cold air from entering.

She stood infront of the window and proceeded to sit on the floor afterwards. Her eyes fill of sadness, staring at the stained walls that once had her favorite posters hung up on and some spaghetti stains of when she threw her food at her brother that he dodged back when she was twelve, she laughed slightly and looked up at the sticky hands that were flung onto the ceiling by Austin which got him in Trouble for a whole week.

She turned to the walk-in-closet to get the last stuff she had almost forgotten in standing infront of the door frame as she gently brushed her hand apon, it marked her and her brothers hight throughout the past 3 years with all the stickers they hung up occasionally.

After all, this was the place she and her brother grew up in and made most of their precious memories after moving to south America. They had learned so much about themselves and grew alot individuality during the past 3 years.

She sat next to the one broken wooden tile, that she would always save her diary in, she lifted the tile up and pulled out the remaining letters she had almost forgotten in there along with all the drawings she and her friends painted durning the previous summer.

She slipped in a note and placed he wooden piece back.

The rooms door swang open as she stood up as fast as possible.

-" what- what are ya doing there?"

-" uh, just getting some old notes I had forgotten in here- what are youuuu doing here?"

-" I'm here cause dad forced me to come and get you, dont ya wanna say hi to him? Um, so why won't ya get going ha?"

She rolled her eyes and fixed all the papers in her hands, she'd sometimes felt like punching the hell out of her brother, he was to okay with life, it seemed like his life was too good to be true.

She slammed the door shut and gave it a kiss goodbye.

She could hear the sound of the movers pushing in all the boxes as the truck made incredible loud noises.
She could see her dad from a distance and didnt know how to approach him.

-" hey! Little dyl there ya are!" As he opened his arms to hug her

-" hey dad!" Hugging him back

She ran into the duplex and shoved all the papers that were on the floor into the bag she was carrying on the way.

She took a last look at her surrounding, the street lights lit up as people turned on the lights of their homes, the city never failed to amuse her, it almost felt as if she was with the stars.

She would miss that the most.

She then carried on and sat in the black car her mother owned.

Austin already had his earphones plugged in and continued to play the game he'd always play when his friends were around.
Dylann sat in the front seat next to her mother, as she forced a smile back and held back the tears.

She didnt want to move back, but she knew it was only for he second term of her junior year.

The truck which her father was in got going as they speeded up past them.

They were going to live once again with their father for a while after their parent got back together. But it was okay for now, since they would be moving back to the city in November, once their dad finds a new job.

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