its ringing

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The last period of the day. I felt like the past few hours were endless hell. Everyone looked exhaust at the time and half the class was starting to fall asleep.
Luke had spent almost every single class seated somewhere near me, expect for this one. He took a seat next to the girl from early in the morning, who seemed to be very mad at him. She whispered quietly but  her face expressions  showed that the words coming out of her mouth werent sweet at all. Quite surprisingly Luke sat there quietly listening to all she had to say.

It wasnt very luke like to sit around while someone scolded him, but for this chic it seemed to be her regular cup of tea. I heard people talk about her through out the day for many obvious reasons,she was very full of herself and would roll her eyes everytime someone spoke.

And how luke somehow seemed to stand that made me question my existence.

I spent the last class of the day looking at luke constantly rather than paying attention on the math teacher, who thought it would be a good idea to get going with lessons from the first day.
The clock moved extremely slow, but soon the bell rang and finally school was over. Everyone rushed out within seconds leaving the class room in full chaos as I stayed and packed my stuff slowly.

I was hoping that day that luke would wait for me, but I knew that wouldnt happen today since Patricia  had him like a ring on her finger. I was certain that I had to get back my letter, and I was determined to do so today. I rushed out of class to go straight to Luke's locker fully confident but that all ended atthe sight of them both standing there together mortified me. She still seemed to be mad at him, and he still didnt answer back.

I immediately retreated but the only was out of the second floor was to pass by his locker, but the moment I got close, luke was slammed against his locker as she shoved herself on to him while holding his face, his hands went from her lower back down. My eyes widened in shock, and I felt my heart ache a bit. I shook my head in disbelieve and tried to rush before they noticed me.

Luke opened his eyes, and we both stared at eachother for quarter a second that felt like eternity. I ran down the stairs as he pushed the girl off of him.

-"luke!??" She screamed at him with her incredibly squeaky voice as he clearly ignored her and sprinted down the stairs behind me.I tried to figure out which direction to go and ended up pushed a big grey door open, there I was.

Infront of a crowd of teenagers.

So much chaos was happening and I stood there in awe. Luke caught up with me and placed his hand on my shoulder as I shook it off. He opened his mouth to start talking but then got distracted by the sight of people screaming, it was certainly a fight and luke lived for fights. He wanted to rush into it to see what was happening until Patricia came and stood 2 meters a way watching us both . She was clearly ignored once again and luke dived into the crowed.She gave me a nasty stare and bumped my shoulder as she passed by me.
I didnt care much about dramatic teenagers until I heard a familiar voice.

Austin's fierce voice.

I shoved myself through the crowd and there it was. Austin had gotten into a fight, and was on top of another tenth grader punching him as luke pulled him off.
I couldnt help it and dived right in. I pulled Austin by his shirt and yelled at him as luke and I tried to stop the fight.

-" what's that matter with you? It's the first day and damn you're already in a fight.?" I screamed at him

-" uh ya he started it." Austin pushed himself closer trying to grabe the boy again.

-" hey, hey." Luke pushed Austin yelling loudly. " go, leave, get in the car." He signed for us to go.
He then turned around to the crowed.

I had never seen luke that mad,  everyone mumbled about the fight as they spread out of sight. Luke pushed the other boy on the tree and seemed to be whispering threats into his ear as ve became red.
I looked at Austin again as I filled with rage.

-" are you insane???"

-"Dylann shut up, he started punching out of no where-"

Luke walked up to us as Patricia continued watched from far away.

-" Try not getting into trouble here little dude ok?"

-"Ooh shut up" he screamed "just cause you and my sister flirt doesnt mean you're the boss of me now."

-"WHAT???" Luke, Patricia and I yelled.

-" we dont flirt." I looked at Austin in disgust. I mean is it that obvious.

-" luke come here?!" She yelled at him.

-" Can ya shut up for at least a second for God's sake!!!?" Luke answered her for the first time today and she listened saying no word and just stood there. " no, I dont think I'm the boss of you" he faked smiled. " just a little advice from someone who would always get into ridiculous fights" he patted Austin's back. " it's for your own sake."

He turned around and left to his car as Patricia followed yelling and he continually ignored her. He got into his car and went off leaving her behind.

And both austin and I waited for our dad to come pick us up quietly.


7:00 p.m

I didnt talk to neither Austin or luke after school and i didnt even tell my parents what had happened. Instead I was on a 2 hour call with Sally gossiping about what went on today.

-" No way, what a douchbag. He has a girlfriend and didnt even tell you??"

-" well ya, but he didnt necessarily have to, we were never together or even neaaarrr being together."

-"ya I know, but it was the least he could do, and then he thinks hes something just cause he stopped Austin's fight."

-" yep."

We both got silent.

-" Sally, Sallyyyy."

-" what?"

-" Luke is texting meeee.."

-" wait what? What is he saying?" Her face filled with excitement.

-" He wants me to come out, he wants to talk."

-" how does he have your number??"

-" I dont know, should I go?"

-" ya girl. Gooo."

-" I'll call you backk!"

I sprayed on perfume and ran outside the front door and onto Luke's front porch we he sat waiting for me, in his regular black clothe.

-" what do you want?! I pretended that I didnt wanna be there.

-" just sit, i wanna talk , quick before my grandfather comes back."

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