Felix POV:
The night is over and I am finally ready to change out of my tuxedo.
I change into jeans and a button up, and go outside, waiting for Marzia to meet me so we can get to the airport on time.
After another ten minutes, Marzia walks out wearing jeans and a slightly oversized t-shirt. She still looks gorgeous no matter what she's wearing.
"Ready to go?" I ask, holding out my hand for her.
"Yep" she takes my hand and we jump into the backseat of the limousine, which drives us to the airport. We were going to spend ten days in Australia for our honeymoon.
We got to the airport and tipped our limo driver as we got our bags out of the back.
As we stepped inside, the limo drove away. At looked at Marzia in disbelief. She was my wife now, I could say it, finally.
Marzia noticed me looking "What?" She asked me.
I replied by wrapping an arm around her and planting kiss on her head. "Nothing" I said as we waited in line to check our bags.
~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~
Marzia and I boarded the plane. Once we got comfortable in our seats, she rested her head on my shoulder. I let my head lay on top of hers and we fell asleep like this.
A few hours later I woke up. Marzia who was already awake looked at me.
"Morning sleeping beauty" she said as she ruffled my hair.
I smiled "How long was I out?"
"Umm..." She checked her phone "Almost five hours"
I nodded "What are you doing?"
She held up her phone "Listening to music"
I looked into her eyes. I couldn't help it, they were so pretty, the perfect shade of chocolate brown, it was so easy to get lost in them, and I guess I did because Marzia started waving her hand in front of my face.
"Hello..." Her voice snapped me back to reality.
"Sorry what?" I said.
She laughed "I said, what do you want to do?"
"Oh, I don't know. Watch a movie?"
She nodded and we spent the rest of the flight watching movies, and sleeping.

Felix & Marzia | Melix
Roman d'amourThis is my first fanfiction so I'm sorry if it sucks. This is just a little fanfiction about Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie) and Marzia Bisognin (CutiePieMarzia) and them as a couple.