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When you woke up, you had almost forgotten about the whole soulmark situation until you saw your wrist and all the memories came flooding back.

"This can't be happening. How is this my life?" You mutter to yourself, dangling off of your bed upside down. Before you had gone to sleep last night, you finally let your mother in and she was also shocked that your mark didn't match Lucas'.

She was there to support you, though, telling you how you'll find the right guy eventually. You responded saying you didn't want to find him- you wanted Lucas, but she responded saying "you may not want to find him, but he'll find you."

You decided to wear a long sleeved shirt to cover up your soulmark just in case what your mom said was true. You didn't want to be found.

After thinking about it for a while, you'd decided if you couldn't be with Lucas, you didn't want to be with anybody. You didn't tell your mom that, though.

At school, Aisha immediately asked to see your soulmark, but you refused. "What? Did you not get one or something?" "I got one.. I just don't want to show it." You say dryly, but Aisha laughs, thinking you're joking. "Y/n, it can't be that bad! I'm sure it's not ugly, let me see—" "I said I don't wanna show it!" You yelled. "..Well alright then," she replied, giving you a concerned look before walking over to her other friends.

They were probably asking her what was wrong with you.

Even though you had made up your mind about choosing not to find your soulmate, you were still irritated at everyone else because they'd probably match up with the people they wanted to- like Aisha did. You knew you shouldn't take your anger out on people, but you really didn't care.

The day for getting soulmarks had passed, but there still was a lot of buzz and commotion going around the school about them. It was the only thing students in your class were talking about.

You slumped into your chair, slamming your books onto the desk.

Doyoung's desk was the one behind you, so he looked up from his book, startled when you slammed your things onto the desk. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but decided he probably shouldn't be nosy, so he just went back to reading.

After class ended, he noticed you were still in a mood, and his curiosity got the best of him, so he asked, "Did your soulmark ever come in?"

You turn in your seat, giving Doyoung the side-eye before answering, "Yup." Then you gathered up your things, getting ready to head to your next class. You just wanted to get this day over with.

To your surprise, Doyoung wasn't done talking, though. "Then why do you seem upset?" He followed after you. "Why do you care?" You stop in your tracks to look at him. You had quite the cold expression on your face, but it didn't faze him. "..I don't care, but yesterday you seemed-" "I was being over-dramatic yesterday. I'm over it now. My soulmark came in, it just wasn't..." you trailed off, not knowing how to explain. "It just wasn't the one I wanted." You say, leaving it at that.

The rest of the day was kind of a blur to you. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. All you could think about was how you felt like you'd lost your best friend. He was going to have somebody new in his life. Somebody more important to him than you. It didn't feel right.

You were avoiding Lucas all day, due to embarassment, but also because you said that you'd stop bugging him if you lost the bet- which you did.

After classes ended, you somehow found yourself wandering around campus for no specific reason. You walked past the many dorm rooms, the statues, the fountain- just trying to clear your mind.

SOULMATE FF - LUCAS X Y/N ~ DOYOUNG X Y/N [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now