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The next day at school, you decided you wanted to find out for sure if you and Doyoung were soulmates.

No matter how much you tried to dismiss the thought, the flash of neon green you saw on his wrist the week before kept reappearing in your mind. So you decided you'd ask him at the end of the day, instead of avoiding him- like you wanted to.

Around the last class of the day, Doyoung fell asleep- like he normally did, because the classwork was so easy and he always finished it early. There was this group of guys in his class who always made fun of him that saw this as a perfect opportunity to play a prank on him.

"Johnny, look who's sleep." Haechan says, pointing across the room at Doyoung. "We should draw on his face with a permanent marker or something," Johnny suggests with a mischievous smile. "No- we should draw over his soulmark!" Taeyong says, and Yuta laughs, nodding in agreement. "That'd be hilarious," he says, taking out some of his different colored sharpies. Yuta was a bit of an artíst, so he was always ready with the art supplies.

There was a sub in today, and he had stopped caring about what the class did as soon as he finished handing out the packets. Now he was just absentmindedly scrolling through his phone at the teacher's desk as the other students talked and did whatever they wanted, so the guys knew they'd definitely get away with this.

The guys walked over to Doyoung- who was still knocked out, even though it was pretty loud in the classroom. "Man, this guy can sleep through anything." Johnny laughs. "Wait, let me test it." Haechan says before drawing his hands back, and then swiftly bringing them together to clap into Doyoung's ear. "Haechan! You'll wake him up!" Taeyong complains, but he was wrong. He didn't even move.

"..Are we sure he's even alive?" Taeyong jokes with raised eyebrows.

Yuta picks up Doyoung's left hand so they could see what his soulmark looked like before coloring over it.

"Woah- his is neon green too, just like all of ours.." Yuta says, and the others are just as shocked. "What does that even mean?" Johnny wonders, and they all just shrug. Each of them had different marks, but they were all the same shade of neon green. It was almost like they were connected somehow..

That didn't stop them from drawing over Doyoung's though.

They each took a turn, drawing on his wrist. They decided to turn the music notes into a purple devils face- kind of like the emoji. "Now this suits him." Haechan laughs, and the others agree before sitting his hand back down and walking back to their desks.

This kind of stuff happened to Doyoung on the regular, but he didn't really mind. He didn't see it as bullying- more as them just joking around with him. He'd get over it.

After the last class finally ended, you went out to the area by the fountain, where you usually found Doyoung reading under a tree.

He wasn't there today.

"Hmm. That's odd," You mutter to yourself, turning around. Then you see him. You both almost bumped into each other again, but this time you both stopped before that could happen. "Almost made it a third time," you joked, and he gave a half-smile with a nod.

"I was looking for you." You say, but he wasn't really listening. He looked disheveled, like he was in a rush to be somewhere or something. "Oh, you were?" He eventually answers, fumbling around with his textbooks and things, looking for something.

"Uh yeah.. is this a bad time to talk? I could just text you later.." "Are you asking for my number?" He asks. "No-" "Because I can't even find my phone right now.."

You watched him continue fumbling around, looking for it, and offered to hold his things for him. "Thanks." He said, dropping like 5 textbooks into your arms. "Oof-" you grunted, trying to hold them up. "You're way stronger than you look," you laugh, already struggling to carry the textbooks.

SOULMATE FF - LUCAS X Y/N ~ DOYOUNG X Y/N [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now