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You decided to avoid Doyoung now, (because that's how you handled every problem- avoiding it), even though you weren't positive he was actually your soulmate.

Just in case what you thought you saw was really what you thought you saw, the safest option would just be to avoid him altogether. It's not even like you two were close anyways- you'd only had like one good conversation together, and then that duet thing at the restaurant.. Besides that, nothing else had happened between you two.

"But what if that explains why we kept running into each other?" You wonder, but quickly erase the thought from your mind. There was no way Doyoung was your soulmate, he wasn't even your type. Lucas was your type. "Pfft- I bet the soulmark doesn't care about tYpE when it's choosing.."

"Y/n, go get your car from the dealership, they should be open by now." Your mom says from down the hall. "Okay!" You say back, hopping out of bed and running out to grab your bike and head down to the dealership.

Once you're there, you park your bike on the grass and go in. The lady at the desk says to wait outside and that someone will bring your keys. This place wasn't too far away from your home, but the area looked completely different. Shiny cars were all over the place. It was like a sea of them. A man eventually comes out of the building to hand you your keys, and as you look up to thank him, you notice he looks vaguely familiar.

You knew him.

"Wait a minute-"

"Dad?" You asked.

He looked confused for a split second, but then his eyes widened in realization. "Y/n?" "Yeah, that's me.." "How did you..? You're so grown! How did you find me?" "..I wasn't looking.. I guess this is all just a coincidence," you shrug, staring at him.

It was so strange to see him in real life and not just in a picture. You weren't mad at him, but you just couldn't understand him.

You couldn't understand how someone could leave their wife and young child.

"Can we talk?" You ask him after a minute of silence. "Yes-- of course." He says, placing a hand on your back to guide you inside, and you shivered.

It felt weird.. Him touching you.

He led you into his office and you sat down in the chair on the opposite side of his desk, and he sat down in the other chair.

"How have you and your mother been?" He asks, not knowing where else to start. He leaned onto the desk on his elbows, looking at you with raised eyebrows. He was so shocked to see you after all this time.

"We've been doing fine. I actually just got my soulmark a week ago.." You say, deciding to humor him with light conversation. You wanted to get straight to the heavy stuff and ask why he left, but you waited. "No way, that means you're already turning-" "18, yeah... You've been gone for that long." You say with an unreadable expression. You were hurt, but still wanted answers.

Nothing he could say would take the pain away, but you felt like if you heard the reason why he left coming from his own mouth that it would give you some kind of closure.

"Dad, I know we just met, but I really just wanna get straight to the point." You say, unable to wait for answers any longer. You just stare at him. This stranger.

For some reason, though, you didn't have a problem calling him 'dad'.

"Okay..." He leans back off of his desk. "..Why did you leave mom for someone who wasn't even your soulmate? How could you do that to her? What kind of betrayal-" "Is that what she told you about me? That I left her for someone who wasn't my soulmate?" His eyebrows furrowed strongly. "Yeah- of course that's what she told me! That's what you did!" You blew up, scrunching up your eyebrows as well.

SOULMATE FF - LUCAS X Y/N ~ DOYOUNG X Y/N [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now