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The rest of the week passed by quite fast. You'd finally decided on not looking for your soulmate- since you were still in the process of getting over Lucas. But if he found you, you'd see where it goes. But until then, you just wanted to focus on yourself.

Aisha and a few of her friends invited you out to go to a Karaoke joint (that was also a restaurant), so of course you agreed to join. You weren't that into singing in front of a crowd, but you didn't mind doing it if you were in a group.

"Aisha and Moonbin should do a duet," one of his friends, Rocky suggested with a smirk. You'd noticed his soulmark was the same shade of blue as Moonbin and Aisha's, but it wasn't a flame like theirs. "Eh, I don't know about that.." Aisha shrugs, not really wanting to sing in front of everybody. "You don't have to be afraid- you have me, remember?" Moonbin smiles, taking her hand.

They were so cute it was sickening.

"Nice to see someone's getting along well with her soulmate.." you mutter under your breath. "I know right," Lucas replies, making you jump because you didn't know he heard you. Over the weekend, you two had starting talking again. He told you the bet was stupid and that he didn't want you to 'stop bugging him'.

He missed you.

"Come on Binnie, the stage is empty," Aisha says, dragging him over to the front of the restaurant. "Uh-oh, we better record this. It'll be hilarious," Lucas jokes, taking his phone out. He was expecting the two of them to make fools out of themselves. "Have you ever heard Moonbin sing before? Both him and Aisha sound great- they're like professionals.." You say, and he shook his head. "Really?"

The song they chose starts filling the speakers of the dimly lit restaurant, and all of the attention is on Aisha and Moonbin. Not only can they sing well, but they also created a dance to their duet song- on the spot, entertaining everyone, including the workers. "They're good," Lucas acknowledges with wide-eyes. "See, I told you." You laugh, grateful you two were back on speaking terms without much awkwardness.

After they finished up their song, the music went back to the original playlist that had been set as a default, and some people cheered for them. Eventually your group got a table and waited for the food to be served. It was one of those places where there's a fire pit in the table and you have to cut and cook your own meat after it's brought over to your table. Once all the food came and was cooked up, it smelled delicious.

This restaurant really was amazing.

Your group was on the third round of meat when all of a sudden the upbeat music changed into a slow ballad-type song, as someone got on stage to sing. "Oh no, not a slow song," you rolled your eyes. You loved all types of music, but generally listened to more upbeat music, especially when you were out at a restaurant like this. Sometimes slower music just made you tired.

"This guy sounds really good too.. Wait- doesn't he go to our school?" Lucas says after the person singing was about a minute into his song, and everyone at your table turns around to see who Lucas was talking about.


"Is that his name? Wow, I didn't even know that dude could speak," Lucas jokes, making everyone laugh. You pretend to laugh too, but you were intently watching him sing. He really was good at it. His voice was very unique, you could hear the emotion in his voice with every lyric he sang. It was like he really felt the music. Not every singer has the talent of making people feel stuff just by singing, but Doyoung could do it. At the end of his song, you found yourself giving him a standing ovation.

"Y/n, I didn't know you liked ballads?" Lucas raises an eyebrow. "I do now," you reply with a laugh, taking your seat as more meat comes to your table. "My precious!" he says to the meat, with wide eyes as he grabbed the bowl from the waiter, and you chuckle.

SOULMATE FF - LUCAS X Y/N ~ DOYOUNG X Y/N [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now