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3 days .. Just 3 more days & my husband will be home. Little did he know I have been planning our wedding since he left. Knowing that he purposely missed the meetings did make me feel some type of way for a while. But as his release date came closer a part of me slowly let it go. Its 10 am on a Friday morning. I was showered and dressed as I sat in my office at Vixen Valentine. Being back in L.A had its moments. Everything was all business here. No pleasure. " Hey stranger " Valerie smiled as she walked in & stood at my open door.

I looked up then smiled. Pushing my chair back I got on my feet to give her a hug. " Its been a while huh?' I asked after we pulled away from each other. Val tucked her hair behind her ear. " Hell I can't be mad at you for working from home, hell I been doing the same since ..you know?"

She smiled wide showing her dimples. " Yall started dating?!" I said in a whisper. She motioned for me to be quiet as she shut my door behind her. While I was away I see in the tabloids she was dating a singer. Then Shaderoom posted it so I know it was real. Instead of blowing her phone up like I knew everyone else was doing, I decided to wait until I got back to get the tea straight from the kettle.

" Kaysia, he makes me so happy.."

" & who is he exactly " I raised my eyebrow

"Omarion .."

I clapped my hands and screamed. Yall just don't understand how hard this girl has worked. Blood sweat & tears into her line. She deserves to be happy. "Val I'm so happy for you!" We talked for a while about how it was to actually have a conversation with him. Turns out he is really laid back as he been made out to be. She said they met through business first his brother wanted to start his own male line & being that we the hottest out he reached out on his behalf. I told her she can take time out for herself. I'll meet with the brother and hear his ideas then speed her up to date when I can.

Work went by great after that. No stress or hassles. My models looked great. We practiced the line up for the fashion show Val was showcasing overseas to get more clients and customers that were coming up in a few weeks.

I was now pulling up to me & Kaz home. The sun was setting creating a pretty orange hue in the sky. I shut my car off to look at it for a minute. Mentally relaxing for my flight to Miami tomorrow. 9 am to be exact. Sighing deeply I got my house key ready then got out the car. The lights flickered & the horn beeped as I walked up the pavement to the front door.

The door shut silently behind me as I kicked off my heels. " home sweet home " I said to no in particular.

" I bet it is. " I heard a deep voice say from my dimly lit Livingroom. Kaz walked into view causing me to drop everything in my hand. My phone, wallet, and purse was a lost cause. I brought my hands up to my face. My mouth couldn't form the words.

" Come here ma," he said stepping down into the hallway where I was. I walked to him taking in his rough appearance. I had so many questions. Kaz pulled me into his now buff chest & hugged me tightly. His new goatee scraped against my head. He smelled of Irish Spring.

" How you get out so early?" I said finally after a minute. He pulled back and kissed my forehead

" You know I'm that nigga " he said smiling. I gripped his chin & pulled his lips down to mine. They felt so soft. He wrapped his arms around my waist smothering my titties into his chest. For months I planned this moment. But now that it's finally happening all that shit went out the window. He gained dominance as he kissed me roughly. and I loved every bit of it. Reaching for the bottom of his shirt. He let me pull it up & over his head. " Why are you wearing that cheap-ass soap?" I teased as I tossed it to the side. " Shit that's all they had, take these off" He tugged my jeans off me with little to no help. Then next came his. Then my shirt in return. We were both naked at this point in the now dark hallway. Without warning, I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He caught me " damn P ". I was already wet, my pussy was already throbbing. " fuck me" I begged. He positioned himself at my opening. I lifted myself up just an inch then slid down on his dick. I could feel my cat rip and I pushed down on him. " Damn" I moaned. I needed this don't tap I told myself. Kaz palmed my ass then grabbed it moving me up & down on his dick slow so I could get use to it. It hurt so good with each stroke. I sped up he took the hint and slammed me down on it. I moaned out loud, not holding back as he fucked me hard and deep. I felt my muscles tighten around him. I challenged myself to hold it. So I did. The sounds of our wet bodies echoed through the small space. " You missed this dick " he whispered in my ear. " Yes, yes oh fuck yes!" I moaned. My legs began to get weak but my ass kept bouncing on his shit like my life depended on it. I screamed as my orgasm finally let itself go. He fucked me through it causing me to have another one back to back. I tapped his shoulder so he could put me down. My legs stung after being used for so long. But i didn't let it show as I walked towards the room. " round 2 ?" I asked over my shoulder. Its been a long time & im nowhere near done with his ass.

AN: Filler chapter. & Kaz is finally home! let the shit starting begin.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now