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" you look good. " Kaz spoke up after a couple of minutes of me ignoring his presence.

" Cut the bullshit, what you here for Kaz? " I typed away on my desktop avoiding all eye contact. He had some fucking nerves. All this time I have been trying to get in contact with him for the divorce. Yet he show up here like shit still good. He sighed, then asked could he sit down. My first thought was hell naw. But I pointed to a chair on the opposite side of me.

"Im sorry.. " He apologized to me.

" Sign those papers and ill forgive you " I shrugged my shoulders not really buying his lil sorry act. Truth be told I been forgave him, but for my sake. I didn't want to block my blessing hating him for something I couldn't change. It was now all water under a bridge. Im actually happy. Just wanted to move on with my family & friends.

He smacked his teeth, he lost his cool. Kaz then started pacing back and forth in my office. " Im not signing a damn thing. I aint say we were over. "

" Don't you got a baby on the way? " I crossed my arms across my chest. This rah-rah shit he doing really old to me. When I said that he looked at me with so much hatred. For what? I dont know. I mean of course I had a soft spot for him, yet after the abuse, drugs, stress & the cheatings. Made it easy to fall out of love with him. If that makes sense. if im right she should be almost 4 or 5 months I guess im not sure. I just know the child was real. I did digging of my own. The betrayal hurt me deeply but instead of crying like I had been doing. I pushed myself into work and loving myself.

" Don't bring my child in this shit " He clapped back. Not gonna lie that stung a little. I was supposed to have his first child. I was supposed to be his family. I cleared my throat and sat up in my chair.

" You brought yo child in this when you cheated on me with that heffa! You brought yo child in this when you couldn't be man enough to keep it real with me. Nigga you did this. " I yelled getting loud.

" I aint did shit to you ! " He got even louder. I knew people could hear us. At this point , my business is what was on my mind. He don't wanna do this the easy way with me asking? fine.

" Get out " I pointed towards the door. Hoping he wouldn't cause a scene bigger than what it is.

" I aint going no mother fucking where. "

Now it was a standoff. This nigga really tripping. He looked at me , I looked at him. His ass really going there with me. I let out a deep breath. " Please just go Kaz - "

The door opened behind kaz , I couldn't see who it was but I heard him. " Im sure she just asked you to leave man. "

Marcell .

Kaz turned around slowly to see who he was . " Nigga who the fuck are you, you vice lil jit aintchu?"

" Who I am don't matter big dawg. Just walk out of here so it wont be no problems. " I heard marcell warn Kaz. I never have seen him like this. He was always smiling & joking round. This was new to me.

Kaz then looked back at me , then looked at the man he didn't know. " You cheating on me with this nigga ? "

" and if she was? " Marcell challenged him. He rolled up his cufflinks shoving his hand in his pockets. He looked just like his father at this second. He wasn't backing down at all or showing no fear. Kaz chuckled then walked towards him. As soon as Kaz was in marcell face. Marcell gave him a quick , effortless right hook. Catching Kaz off guard. As soon as his fist connected. Blood flew out of his mouth as he fell back on my office floor, knocked out. Cold. He held his hand out waiting for me. I stood from my desk , came around it stepping over Kaz's body. Marcel gripped my hand then lead me out my office. We walked through my building, by this time it was empty. Everyone was gone.

" Where they went? " I asked as we walked outside.

" Kema cleared them out when she heard the arguing. then she called me. "

he walked me to my car then helped me in. " thank you for coming through I hate it got to that. "

" Its not a problem, you know im here for you. Hit me up later. Ill come over so we can chill. " He tapped the top of my car then I pulled off from the curb. He disappeared the farther I drove off. While at a stop light I texted vice to send someone to escort Kaz off my property.

I had something for his ass though. I parked next to the newspaper office. It was kinda late. I hope they were still open. &; to my luck they were. I pulled back the door. Stepping inside the cooled office building. It was dim inside, with a bunch of old articles posted. At the desk was a guy. He was skinny, pale with glasses. " Hey how are you? " I asked walking up to him . He was busy looking down at something. He looked up and smile showing his braces.

" Hey " He looked stressed. Like he had been crying. My heart told me something was wrong.

" Whats wrong? " I asked , obviously concerned. He looked taken back by my question. His lips parted open like he wanted to spill what was on his heart. But the words wouldn't come out. I sighed then opened my purse , then pulled out my business card. " You don't have to say anything. Here is my card. My name is Kaysia. when you need someone to talk to call this number. " I pointed out the digits. He took it then smiled lowly nodding his head.

" How may I help you miss? " He pushed his glasses back on his nose waiting for my request.

" I want to buy an space in the paper , for a divorce? "

See what dumbass don't know is. Once I put this ad saying that im looking for him for a divorce he got 30 days. If he don't respond? Automatic annulment. I smiled at the thought about him being pissed. For once in my life I no longer cared about his feelings. Its time for me to be happy.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now