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I let out a deep breath a rolled my naked body over, tangling myself in the sheets. I could hear the sound of bacon popping on top of the stove and the smell of pancakes along with it. I peeked my eye open to see marcell in his boxers over the stove cooking. I sat up and yawned.

" Rise and shine mommas " He called out to me without turning around.

" Hey handsome " I greeted . " Oh, the cat was that good I got you cooking breakfast me? "

" Na , I took pity on you since this good dick knocked you out. " He joked. I could feel this new vibe coming from him. Sex was the last thing we had to do together, now I have a feeling he let his guard down a little more. I like this side of him.

" Yeah ight. " I scoffed lightly at his joke. I got out of bed to go freshen up. I asked him to give me an minute as I excused myself to the bathroom. While inside I brushed my teeth and washed my face. & took a shower to wash off the sweat I accumulated last night. When I finished I wrapped the towel around me and searched for my clothes only to realize I didn't bring any with me.

I cracked the door open and peeked out. Marcell was laying on the bed and my suitcase was on his side in the closet. Oh fuck me.... I counted to 3 and walked outside. Playing off my shyness. I walked around the bed.

I felt his eyes on me as I walked by him. I paid him no mind as I moved a few things around to get my suitcase. Everything was now out the way. I bent over to unzip it. The zipper got caught up as I was trying to open it. the first tug , no luck , the seconded one moved a little. I gave it one final tug. Not only did it fly open but my towel dropped in the process.

" Well wont you look at that. " I heard him say from the bed.

I held in a laugh. He is full of it today. " Well wont you? " I said standing up playing it off. I did a little spin. .

I turned around to gather some clothes so I could finished getting dressed. I made my mind up on a all white cover up to put over my bikini. The beach was calling my name today. Its been too long. I held my clothes in my hand thinking about what accessories will go well.

I felt him wrap his arms around my bare waist and hugged me. " You smell nice " . Oh lord don't do this to me I thought. He placed small kisses up my neck until he got to my ear. He bit my lobe gently. I laid my head back on his chest. " I could get use to this " I whispered out.

He kissed back down my neck again. " Waking up to every morning is once of the best feelings I felt. "

" Oh yeah? " I asked turning around in his arms. I met him with a kiss. I dropped my clothes and pushed him towards the bed. I pushed him back on it. then climbed up on top of him.

" This what we doing?" He teased, Looking up at me.

" This is what I'm doing " I bit my lip & smiled.

We began a hot make out session but I made it clear I was in control this time. By now he was naked just as me. I positioned myself above him then sat down on it wincing in pain. It was good pain though. I couldn't even go all the way down on it. I placed my manicured hands on my knees, then started bouncing up and down. He gripped my ass then spanked it.

" Uhnt uhh look at you " I moaned out. while finding my rhythm.

I felt in deep inside me with each bounce. I place my hands on his chest and kept moving. I could feel myself getting wetter the more I sat down on it. He held me from up under , propped his legs and pounded me from the bottom. I took a hand to his neck & squeezed lightly. I bounced harder to meet him in the middle.

" Marcell ! " I moaned out as I felt my nut approaching. Loosing all my momentum he took charge. He flipped me over. Then pushed my legs above my head and stroked deep. My body broke out in spasms. My legs felt like jello as he pounded me into oblivion. He followed after me soon after.

We laid next to each other out of breath. " Whew, I never knew you had that in you"

He looked over at me then back at the ceiling. " Had to save the best for last. Besides I don't brag about my sex. Little boy moves to me. "

" Oh so you a man? "

" Just showed you that baby don't hate " He winked then sat up.

" Ah shit I completely forgot about breakfast, I am so sorry. " No cap it did slip my mind. He assured me that everything was okay. That he will order us room service while we both freshen up again.

- A couple hours later

I slid my shades down as I stepped onto the hot sand. We walked down to the beach made small talk as we sat up some beach chairs with matching umbrellas. " All done , just one last thing. " I said as I pulled the cooler in between us.

" They normally do little air shows around this time. " He nudged to the planes flying around turning circles in the sky.

" Yeah? This resort has a bunch a shows.. I wonder did anyone watch the one we put on last night. " I winked in his direction.

" Im pretty sure someone did, but that show doesn't have anything on this one..."

" Why do you say - - " I looked up to the airplanes spelling out some words with the smoke they produced. I held my hands up to my face as I read the words before they disappear

Will you be my girlfriend?

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now