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Back in L.A

I adjusted my cuff links to my dress coat. I looked up in my mirror at my sunken face. These last few weeks been taking a toll on me. Mentally, Physically and emotionally. Since Im no longer in the game. I have been busy with my business. But today was Kaz court day. We don't know which way this was going to go. I haven't seen him since he been out of the hospital. He was discharged the next day after he told me to leave. So I haven't gone back, called, text or nothing. It's hard you know? Waited 2 years for us to finally be together. Now he home it's like we farther apart. It's like I don't know him anymore.

I sprayed some perfume on, grabbed my essentials then headed towards the courthouse. Traffic was moderate so I made it there in an okay time frame. The courthouse was fairly empty though. I made my way through the grand halls. After speaking to the clerk I made my way to his designated courtroom. The guard walked up to me and checked me for security reasons. Once cleared he pulled the doors open for me to go in. I gave him a polite nod then walked inside.

The judge bench was empty as the people sat in their seats. I scanned around for Vice & I found them at the front in the middle. Kema waved me over. She stood up and gave me a small hug, then a kiss on my cheek. They had flown up to be my support. I smiled weakly. Then  sat down next to her. Not long after. Gray, Kaz, and the C.O of the prison walked in. She smiled as Kaz looked annoyed. Gray leads them to his table where they sat & she stood next to them. " Vice, Can you find out who that C.O is please?' I asked him. Vice took out his phone and started texting. She seems a little too cozy with Kaz.

She then turned around & looked straight at me. I waved just to be polite. This bitch rolls her eyes at me then looked back towards the stand. I licked my lips to focus on something else cause she got me fucked up. My stomach turned in knots & my gut told me something was more than what it seems. I shook the thought out my head for later.

" All rise for Judge Penowski " the officer said loudly gaining everyone's attention. We rose then waited for the chubby woman to take the stand. Her glasses sat at the bridge on her nose. As she studied everybody. " Please be seated. " -

The debate between the police dept. & Mr. gray was a good one. Each evidence that they provided. Gray came back harder. From his standpoint the police dept. was trying to use Kaz's childhood troubles as a reason to pin the murder on him. At the end of the grueling process, Kaz was declared Innocent for the murder of chasity.

I sat at the edge of the seat as she read her notes. My heart jumped for joy. This was finally behind us. We can move forward. When the case was dismissed. Despite feeling lost, sad then depressed as I did when I got here. I actually felt happy. Happy for him. Happy for us. Right now to me our future was looking bright. We still got issues to handle. However at this moment none of that mattered. Kaz walked back towards us. My legs felt heavy as I stood up waiting for him. He wrapped his arms around me; laid his head on my shoulder. " You did it baby youre free" I said into his ear.

" Im sorry -" he started to say , but I shushed him.

"Its okay, we're okay" I mumbled. I gave him a kiss on his lips. I then moved aside so he can talk to Vice. I waved for kema to follow me. Once outside my skin shivered from being in the cold for so long. I rubbed my arms to heat my body up. Kema walked up behind me. " you okay? " she whispered as people filed out of the building. I shook my head yeah, honestly right now I am. Im content. She looked at me with disappointment then nodded okay.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed at her a little. If I said im okay why she so upset?

I shook the feeling off as the guys walked out. Everyone was smiling. The vibes are good so who am I to ruin it? All of them were sauced up in their suits. They each laughed and dapped each other up. While they were having there moment I walked up to Gray then pulled him into a hug. He has worked hard these past few years. If it wasn't for him Kaz wouldn't be a free man. " thank you" he rubbed my back then pulled away. " I haven't seen you in a while, where ya been?" I teased him.

He filled me in on how he and the guard that walked in my office that day have been hanging out. Gray has grown on me. I looked at him like a brother at this point. We worked hand & hand on things regarding his case. " Quick question? Who was that guard in there? do you know her or some cause she kept looking at me like she had a problem" he stepped back shoving his hands in his pockets.

" No I really don't know her " he said avoiding my gaze. I pursed my glossed lips. He was lying.

" You lying to me, but don't worry I have Vice on it already. I thought we were cool enough for you to be honest but I guess not " I was disappointed in him. He called out to me as I walked to my car. Something was going on once again. They say curiosity killed the cat. Well, damn it ill just be killed.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now