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Everything was a blur as I was escorted out of the house. I couldn't think right now, my mind was all over the place. I never thought I would have to kill someone. Yes I trained for it. Yes I know it comes with the territory. But I never got my hands dirty and now I killed not one but two people. I felt my body drop whoever was next to me caught me before I could fall. I was mentally tired of the games. I thought I could handle this life but I guess not. Now I don't even have a home. The house I paid off with hard work is now ruined. Tainted with bad memories.

" I got her , I got her " Marcell said walking up to us. " I got you kaysia just hold on for me."

He lifted me bridal style then carried me away from the chaos. I breathed in his natural soap sent and felt immediately calm. He gave me kisses on my head. He shifted me then opened his car door then sat me inside. Im glad I was dressed when everyone came. I would have been so ashamed for him to see me naked. He shut the door then jogged over to his side & got in. He said nothing as he pulled away from the curb.

Not long after we were driving up his driveway. " and before you say anything you are staying here no ifs ands or buts about it. Im not letting you be alone right now so you might as well suck it up" he said sternly. I could tell he was serious with me so I just nodded my head as he put the car in park.

I jumped as the door opened I had zoned out the quick. I turned to put my feet on the ground. I took his hand as he helped me out. He led me up the steps. Then took his key to unlock the door. Once inside he shut it with his foot then showed me to the Livingroom to the chair. He sat down then pulled me onto him. " Just let me hold you "

I nudged my head in his chest getting comfortable. " I just don't understand why "

" I don't either but ill ask my dad whats his plan , you and I both know he not letting him get away with his. "

" yeah I know. I just I don't get it. Im so tired of this" I felt myself getting upset.

" The only thing that matters to me is your safety right about now. You need to get away. So by the next few days ill have us a trip planned. "

I sat up quickly giving myself whiplash. " Wait? What? Why?"

" You said it yourself, you are tired kaysia. You have been working your ass off, with work. You need this. " He took a deep breath. " I don't like seeing you in pain, and I care about you but if you really don't want to go then that's fine "

Maybe a vacation is what I need. That will give me the mental break I have been dying to have. On the bright side we will have some alone time. " Ill go, only because I know I really need it."

" Yeah yeah alright. Ill remember that " he said jokingly. He smiled showing his pretty teeth. I melted in his arms. My cat jumped in my shorts then start thumping. Reminding me how long since its been since I got sex. With him rubbing my arms the way he was doing wasn't making it any better. I sure wasn't getting it from Kaz. and the only person im craving is Marcell.

" Are you okay?" He asked

"U-um yeah. Im okay"

"Is it anything you need me to do?"

Yeah you can slurp on my pussy till I come on your face. " Nope " I said instead.

" Well okay then. The girls should be here soon. I have to run to the office. I just wanted to make sure you were settled "

The doorbell rung causing me to sit up off of him. " There they go im guessing. "

He went to open the door then came back to let me know he was leaving me. We said our goodbyes now it was just me , Val and Kema sitting around talking about what happened today. They wished me well then we moved on to a new subject.

" so how has marcell been treating you?" Kema asked. I rolled my eyes at them then smiled. I told them about the trip. They squealed out in excitement.

" I think that is great! You need to get away from the states for a few days." Val said.

" I know that's why agreed but guys I have another problem " I fondled with my fingers

"what?" "Whats wrong?" they both got back serious.

" I need some dick " I whined out being completely honest , they both exchanged looks then burst out laughing.

" How long has it been?"

" Months , it feels like years. and im craving marcell bad. His lips are the perfect chair - " I closed my eyes picturing the perfect moment.

" Ew, okay spare me the details. That's technically my son in law" kama teased.

we all shared another laugh and moved unto the next topic.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now