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- After the flight -

I stretched as I stepped off the private plane vice had loaned us for this week away. While Marcell went to talk to the driver. I still don't know where we are being that I slept the whole way here. I didn't want to sleep in when we got to the room. The driver's assistant opened the door for me. " Thank you. "

He gave a strict head nod, then closed the door behind me. The car dipped as marcel got comfortable next to me. We made small talk as we drove down the sandy roads. From the looks of it we are on some type of island. I wanted to ask for the 100th time the location name but I gave it a rest after not getting even a hint from him.

" Where ever this is, is really nice. Looks like something you'll see on the internet. " I said to him.

" It is someplace off the internet. Youll love it. I promise. "

We rounded a curb then there it was. The entrance to Likuliku Lagoon Resort of Fiji . The car stopped right at the edge at the walking strips that led to an oversized hut like building. It was beautiful. My door opened , marcel held his hand out and I grabbed it. The guys who tote luggage grabbed our things.

We walked up the strip hand in hand. I was in awe as we passed by local people and travelers. When we got to the front desk we were given a key to our room. Or so I thought. He took my hand and led me through this sandy path down towards the water. He lifted the palm leaf revealing a row of mini cottages. I stopped in my tracks. My mouth fell open as I looked around the beachy shore.

He stopped a few steps ahead then stopped when he realized I wasn't walking behind him. " You like it?"

" I love it b-but this is too much! We haven't made it official yet. " My chest heaved up and down at his gesture. This was something like a honeymoon. I really did like him. Yet. I didn't want to get ahead of myself thinking the wrong thing.

Marcell hung his head , shoved his hands in his pockets then walked over to me. " As of a few days ago when I damn near lost you. I didn't want to wait for your divorce. Im no longer being that gentleman I was trying to be. I want you, you want me. We both grown. To me you are my woman. That's if you want to be. "

I felt butterflies swarm around my gut. He has made his claim. Part of the reason why I was rushing the divorce was because of him, but to find out he doesn't care just makes me so happy. For a split second im glad I was shot at. Or we wouldn't be here. I nodded my head to let him know I understood. I couldn't quite form words just yet.

He grabbed my hand once more then showed me to our private cottage. When we got to the door he pulled out the key then unlocked the door opening it so I could I walk in first.

The room was designed as a studio layout. On one side is a nice size bed. With a couple of nightstands and lamps , with a door that im guessing leading to a bathroom. On the other side. Is an creamed colored sectional that matched the comforters on the bed. It was beautiful.

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