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Chapter 20 Continued ..


I brought my hand up to my eye to wipe the tear from falling as he told me the rest of his story. He said the day I walked in he had made a plan to take his life due to the assault. I sat my phone down on the counter then walked around it. I pulled him into a deep hug. I heard his cries in my ear , and felt his tears on my shoulder. It was meant for me to be here that day. Cause if I wasn't, then who knows where he would've been. After a minute. He pulled back then wiped his tears. He took a minute to collect himself.

" What are you into doing? " I asked him. To change the subject, hopefully lift his spirits.

" I really want to build my own production team, and take many jobs in different states just to travel. -"

" Okay so how would you like to work on my production team for a while? Build some experience then ill set you up for your own thing? "

He looked up at me with wide eyes, not knowing what to say to my offer. " I-icant accept that. Its too much. "

I held my hand up to shush him. I know it was kind of big. I knew we didn't know each other. But he seems like a good kid who just needs a chance. I was willing to give it to him. " Its not, are you staying somewhere other than home?"

He scratched his head " No , I was going to stay here. "

I looked around the dingy office , there were papers everywhere. The carpet had so many unknown stains. " Ill get you a room for a week. Matter of fact im about to call right now. and ill come to get you in the morning around 11. Ill give you a sign on bonus that should get you a little spot"

" Y-you serious? " He sat down in his chair not believing a word that was coming out my mouth. I was dead serious though.

" Yes , Grab your things, meet me in the car. " I grabbed my things then left out the building. I called an hotel to reserve a couple of days for him. The car was still kind of cool when I got inside. So I cranked it then waited for him to come out. He did about 5 minutes later. We pulled out then headed to where he would be staying.

I asked him about the ad in the paper he said it was published the next morning after he got it so its been about 4 days I think. hell ion know.

Once he was settled in his room. I told him to be ready by 10:50. So he can start his work. He was smiling so hard when I gave him a hug goodbye. The complete opposite of how I met him earlier. I said goodbye then headed home for the day.

I was stepping out of my steamed bathroom when my phone ranged from the bed. I had a feeling who it was though. It couldn't be Kema or Vice , because once he handed Khali to Kaz he took her on a trip. Me and kaz don't even communicate so that leaves Marcell. I smiled as I sat down on my bed then press answer.

" Hello ? "

" Hey, have you made it home and got comfortable? I wanted to swing by and watch a couple movie with you " His deep voice said into my ear.

" Just got out the shower. So yes you can come over. Ill be dressed in 10 "

" Okay that gives me enough time to get some snacks and things. Ill be there soon."

I smiled hard as we said our goodbyes. It may not seem like its much, but this is everything to me. Just him wanting to get to know me without sex involved feels so refreshing because sec is all I knew. Don't get me wrong. I wanted to jump his bones but I respect the fact he wants to bond first so I didn't dare make a move.

I lotion my skin and got dressed in a cookie monster night romper. The doorbell ringed as soon as I zipped the onesie up. I texted him telling him I had unlocked the door so he could come on in.

I heard the door open and close. He tapped on my room door. I opened it to see him there with a made up basket full of my favorite candies & chips.

" Aww , " I cheesed as he handed me the goodies. I turned to go sit them on the dresser as he came on inside.

" You smell nice " He complimented as he hugged me from behind.

I turned in his arms , placing my hands on his chest. " thank you."

He grabbed my hands softly then stepped back. " Never thank me for being honest. Come. " He pulled me towards the bed. " Get comfortable " he instructed. Before he walked back towards the dresser rambling in the basket. When he came back to me he had a small bottle of baby oil in his hands.

I raised my brow " You not trying to seduce me are you? "

" No you crazy woman. Just sit back and let me massage your feet before the movie. I know you had a long day so you deserve it. "

My heart swelled at his gesture. But I said nothing as I slid back propping my back on my headboard. " I don't know when was the last time I has a foot massage "

He squirted the clear substance in his hands then grabbed my foot putting it on his lap. " Well if it was up to me youll have one every day. A hard-working woman needs to be wined down at the end of the day"

" Where have you been all my life " I hummed out as he worked the oil into my feet. It felt so good. and it took everything in me not to moan out in pleasure. So instead I just closed my eyes.

" I was becoming the man I am today, Just like you were becoming who you are now. I always believe in fate, so it wasn't meant for us to meet so early. I wasn't ready for a woman like you and vice versa. "

He was right. I sure wasn't ready for him. The old me would have fucked him good then left him hanging. Missing out on a great man. Because of my childish ways. We had a small talk as he continued to cater to me. It was like heaven on earth for me. I think god for bringing him in my life when he felt like I needed someone like him the most.

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