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" You told her what bruh ?! "

I punched Gray in his mouth. Blood shot from his lips as he stumbled back. He was always doing some. I paced back and forth while He coughed up the remaining blood then spit it out on his floor. I got here 30 minutes ago to see if he heard from my baby since she wasn't picking up my calls. Come to find out the scrawny motherfucker told her everything! I aint kno shit about the possibility of having a kid from the broad. Ill check that shit out later.

" I did what your bitch ass couldn't. You treat her like shit kaz. Kaysia is my friend. I gave you time to tell her. but no you decide to hit her instead. " he held his jaw. Frowning his face at me. Sensitive ass.

" Shit! " I yelled out.

I don't know what imma do now. All I keep doing is fucking up. Shit crazy I need help. Hell I need to get my baby back. I know she got me blocked cause women do stupid shit like that. It was a time we were happy. What happened to that shit, for real though. She need to tighten up so we can get right.

" I have the C.O whats her face address and number if you need it " He said rubbing his chin. I smiled to myself. I fucked his ass up.

" Deadass? Lets head out " I walked back to the front door , then out of it to my car to wait on him to come out. Bout 5 minutes later he came out with a new out fit on. " Hurry up man " I yelled from inside the car. He sped walk the rest of the way. I put the gear in R then backed up.

Gray sat in the passenger seat , mean mugging me the whole way. Ion get whats his problem. This aint got shit to do with him for real. Hell, I know what Im doing. I aint pay his ass no mind as I drove the rest of the way.

When we pulled up on her street I looked around the neighborhood. It was decent. For her salary it makes sense. 8932 , I drove up in the driveway shutting my car off. " Don't say shit gray, already talk to fucking much "

" Naw you do too much " I heard him say behind me. Hell, whatever. I walked up in the bare yard. The grass was in need of a cut. That's what she should've been out here doing instead of tryna hop on my dick. I gave the door 4 solid knocks. I stepped back waiting to see if some one was go answer . When no one came. I banged on the door louder. The door swung back open revealing her cockeyed ass in a holey ass robe. I pushed my way pass her to get inside. Her shit smelled of mildew. The house aint look no better as I scoped out my surroundings.

" K-kaz? whatchu doing here " She rubbed her hands through her lil fro.

" This how you livin for real, but out at the pen like you got it hoe you outta be ashamed. Im hearing round town that you pregnant. That's true or na? " I shoved my hands in my pockets. Leaning against her wall.

" Kaz " she pleaded at me

" Bitch is you pregnant or not got damn it ! " I yelled standing up straight, getting in her face. She stepped back , scared of my tone I was using with her. At this point I didn't give a fuck about her feelings.

" Y-yes , but "

" But nothing you trifling bitch, why you aint reach out to me? Hell is it even mine? "

She look offended by my words " You know its yours . " Her sunken eyes started to water. That shit aint move nun inside me. She stay with the games.

" You could've been fucking other niggas out thea, Just to be sure. Yo ass getting a blood pregnancy test. If its mine, when you give birth you signing over your rights. " I cleared my throat.

She fell to the floor on her knees " No, I cant give you my baby!" she screamed out.

Gray stood at the door shaking his head. Not believing what he was seeing but hey, Kaz got himself in this shit. So if he feel like this the best way for him to deal with it. aint nothing I can do.

" You will, aint shit of mine go be living in the pissy ass house. When you give birth ill give you money to go away and live ya useless ass , hoeish ass life, while me and my wife raise the child. "

She laughed. Laughed like what I said was really funny, Like I was a joke or some. " Your wife? Nigga please, once she fine out you got a outside baby that's it. Niggas like you stay fucking up. I guarantee you she aint even talking to you right now. Yo ass go end up alone. If you want the baby then fine ill give up my rights. But on the day of the delivery. I better get a million. Seeing yo ass suffer and go through karma for how you did me will be worth it. " She pointed her fingers at me. I cant believe I was desperate enough for some pussy to sleep with this mangy ass hoe.

Gray walked over to me, stepping over the woman that was putting a curse on my marriage. He grabbed me by my arm dragging me out the house. He knew I was about to snap. Hell I might kill her but the fact she with child spared her & he knew it. Gray shoved me off the porch then went back to shut the front door. My mind got heavy as fuck at the possibility that my baby may leave me for real. Gray hopped in the driver seat insisting that he should drive while I hopped in the passenger seat.

For the first time since I got out I actually feel guilty for my actions. I know this shit go kill her. I hit my hand on the dashboard from the frustrations I was feeling. What the fuck have I done.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now