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AN : If you see the name vince its meant to be vice. Stupid ass auto-correct .. but anywho


The next day

" He did what now?" Kema asked as I told her what had happened. She looked pissed. " Kaysia that's not right I don't care if he did just grip your chin. Its the way he did it. "

I looked down at the lettuce I was cutting for the chef salad that I volunteered to make. I know it was wrong on his part. " Atleast he didn't hit me" I mumbled to myself but she had heard me.

" Don't become that woman Kaysia. Yes he didn't technically hit you. But honey you said yourself that he was being more hostile than usual. So don't take that shit likely. Kaz will hit you if this continues." She looked disappointed as she finished cutting the tomatoes. " You might not want to hear it, baby . Stay on yo guard. If that nigga ever put his hands on you in that way, Promise me you will leave?'

" I promised, " I said after a while. Deep down I don't know how to feel. I have changed so much in these past 3 years being with Kaz. From a high-class hoe to an educated woman, then a prison bride & queen pin which no one hasn't figured out yet. & now I may become a weak emotional ass girl for a nigga. Part of me knew something was wrong. I just have to figure out what.

" Ladies. " Vice clapped to get our attention as he walked into the kitchen. I cleared my throat then turned around and gave the biggest smile I could muster. Kema knew It was fake. Yet she didn't say a word about it hoping ill do what I promised. Vice kissed her on her cheeks, then pulled me into a hug.

" Hey vice," I said lowly.

" Yall asses still ain't finished with that basic ass salad. " He teased and peeking over us to look at the ingredients sprawled over the counter.

" We just about finish we were waiting for the eggs to cool so we can cut them up " Kema explained.

" Well hurry your fine ass up, He will be here in an hour," Vice said the first part towards her then the latter to me. We shooed him out so we could finish. He was in a good mood today. Vice never really joked around like that. Maybe his son's arrival has something to do with that.

I and kema finished up the salad just as soon as the guy vice hired to BBQ the meat was finished with his last batch of pork chops. We were all outside in the back by the poolside enjoying cold mixed drinks. It was, of course, Vice, kema me. Then some of vice's guys who he considered family. They were older gentlemen so I knew that they were around way before me. Along with their wives if they had one. It was just great vibes.

" Hey everyone" a deep voice came from the back door. There stood the most handsome, chocolate man I have ever seen. I shook my head out my thoughts and smiled softly. " hey " everyone said at different times. He walked down by the pool up to the circle of men shaking there hand. Not dap but a genuine handshake. His dad pulled him into a hug then started patting him on his back. I guess it has been a while.

" Take a picture it'll last longer " Kema teased from beside me. I apologized then turned in the opposite direction of the crowd. " nope bitch don't apologize to me. " she laughed. I tried so hard not to blush so I changed the subject. " its not weird being the same age as him? " All of us were neck and neck in age. Her being his wife. Him being his son & me being somewhat like a daughter.

" It was weird at first. For both of us giving the situation yet age aside we get along well. I don't consider him a step-son though. " She shook at the thought. " I don't want kids. Vice doesn't want anymore so. yeah " She explained.

" Keke," a voice said behind her. We turned to see him standing there arms open wide to give her a hug. " Marcel. " she smiled. They hugged, she pulled back and motioned towards me. " Kaysia this is marcel, Marcel this is Kaysia "

He took my hands into his giving me eye contact. "Hey, its nice to meet you."

" Its nice to meet you as well. "

" - Well ill be back, My cup is empty " Kema rushed out before she left us standing there together. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I looked at the ground before looking back up at him. His skin was so smooth. He stood at least 6'2. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree. "sorry about that" I said

" No, its fine. So you're the infamous Kaysia, my dads, been talking about?"

I tucked my hair behind my ear. " infamous? no. Kaysia? yes "

He laughed, licked his lips then smiled. " so you work for my dad? " he asked

I looked at him questioning his motive. " Not for but with. "

Marcel looked a little taken back " okay so you know yourself around the game then huh?'

" Somewhat. Its not really my thing honestly. "

" So what is then. Why do something you're not happy doing? " He seemed curious. Not in a rude way. Its like he really wanted to know.

" Its complicated. And I am doing something I love. I own half of a Fashion line called Vixen Valentine"

He stepped back, shocked " what? That's dope. You'll have to excuse me for not knowing. I don't take an interest in that type of lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with it don't get me wrong. But my dad being as well known as he is. I'm more laid back. Out of the spotlight type of guy. " He explained

" ion blame you. It gets tiring after a while. " silence fell over us as we looked over the people at the party.

" It was nice meeting you Kaysia, Ill see you around " I nodded my head and watched him go conversate with other people..

The party was still in full swing a couple of hours later. Music was playing loudly from the speakers. Drinks were still flowing. Food was still being passed out. It was great. Me & kema was on our what. second bottle of wine. I was laughing. Having a good time. Forgetting all about my problems with Kaz. Speaking of him. I aint heard from him all day. I soon stopped thinking about him after a while. Until one of the guys I was working with came up behind me then tapped me on the shoulder. " Its kaz, there was a shoot out. He's at the hospital -" that's all I needed to know before I sat my drink on the table gathered my stuff then left the party without another word. I didn't want to ruin Marcell and Vice reunion. Ill handle this shit on my own.

AN :



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