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" Be ready to move out tomorrow night. " I instructed my guys. They filed out the basement one by one leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The shoot out left only a few injured so we had to react fast. This drug shit starting to get to me. Im bout tired of this shit all together. May be time to give up the game for real. This my last mission & im out for good. These past few hours away from my baby gave me time to think. I was wrong. I shouldn't have did her like that. Gray was right I should've came clean but my ass took it too far. I was right bout one thing though. She aint go leave me though. For better or for worse. That was our vows , so she need to stick to em or its go be some problems. Opening the desk drawer I grabbed her car keys , then headed out.

It was now dark outside. So she should be cooking some to eat. I took my time getting there but once I did. I noticed all the lights were off. Maybe she was in bed I told myself as I got out the car. I jogged up the steps and twisted the door to find it unlocked. Ight she really trippen right now cause I locked this shit before I left. I walked inside closing the door behind me. Silence .

I pinched my nose and breathed deeply. To calm my nerves. This exactly why I do the shit I do. I walked upstairs up to our room. Pushed the door open. I walked in, felt for the light switch on the wall the flipped it up.

I sighed as I looked around at how she left it. A fuckin mess. Clothes were on the floor everywhere. Drawers were out , shit was thrown over the place. My hands shook with anger at the realization that she left. I grabbed her vase then threw it to the wall. Water slid down the wall as glass shattered everywhere. " Fuck!" I screamed out. I went to the night stand on my side of the bed. I snatched it open tossing shit out until I found my spare bag of pills incase of emergency.

I popped two of them in my hand and sniffed its contents. I stumbled back trying to regain focus. My nose burned as my high came through. My phone beeped in my back pocket. I snatched it out & sat on our California king. Once my password was In my messages popped up.

Vice : You a dead man when I catch you.

This nigga with his boring ass threats. Instead of responding I called P phone. Straight to voicemail. I called 10 more times each time getting the same results. Getting off the bed I walked over to nearest wall and punch it. Multiple times until I seen blood comin from my knuckles.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now