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" FUCK! " I screamed out in anger.

I gave these niggas one job to fucking do. Just to scare P, not take the dumbass over there to get killed. Nobody told they stupid asses to even go in the god damn house. Just one or two shots. Dassit. Im tired of these stupid ass Miami niggas. Now I gotta take heat from vice. He been blowing my phone up. So much to the point where I cut my phone off, grabbed some clothes and dipped to this shabby ass motel im staying at now.

I sat on the bed. Then put my head in my hands. Confused on where the fuck I went wrong in life. All I could see was me and P happy, then me getting locked up, that's where I started fucking up. The drugs , the cheating. Now im out with damn near nothing left of my cartel. Niggas left me high and dry when I took back over. Saying I wasn't paying them right or some stupid shit.

I done fell all the way off. I don't know where to start on fixing shit. I haven't worked a real job in my life. The streets is all I know. I got a kid on the way now. The love of my life divorcing me. shtis reall hard out hea for a nigga.

A knock came from the door. I looked up confused, then it came again. Shit. I jumped up off the bed then hit a dash towards the bathroom. I locked myself inside as I tried to find a way out. I heard the door being kicked in. The small window was the only way out.

" Kaz, don't make this shit harder for yourself. Bring ya ass on out. " I heard Vice say. I climed on top of the toilet. Then unhatched the window locks. I pulled it up , but then it jammed.

" Dammit! "


"You got to 3 till I bust down this motherfucking door. " He yelled.

Each count I tugged on the window a little bit harder than the last.

" Three. " He shouted.

The window shot open, just as vice guy kicked the door in. I dived out tryna escape. I kicked my legs as I tried to fit my body through.

Dude grabbed my ankle then dragged me back inside. " Fuck you! strong ass nigga! " He tossed me backwards to the wall. He gripped me by my shirt then punched me in my mouth. The taste of blood covered my tongue. He punched me over and over. Each blow hurting more than the first.

" Dats enough! ' vice , called off his dude. he walked over to me then squatted. " Nigga you pathetic. "

" Since the last past 10 months , so fucking what. " I groaned out in pain.

" You could've killed her. You know that right?" He asked instead

" Her who? "

He pulled out his gun then cocked it in the matter of seconds. " Don't fuckin play wimmie Kaz. She is like a daughter to me- - "

I sat up then leaned back against the wall. " Nigga I suppose to been like a son to you! We was better than this until she got here. "

" No, we were better than this when you had yo shit together!"

He took his gun then hit me with it. I felt my tooth fall out. " V-vice p-please ight. Shit wasn't suppose to go down like d-dat. I told them niggas just to shoot one time. Not tear her shit down like that. They did that shit on the own. "

He held a face expression I couldn't exactly read. I don't know if he believe me or not.

" Youn got to explain shit to me now! " He took his pistol and aimed it at me once again. I closed my eyes. Waiting for the final shot.


I was waiting for the bullet , but none came. I peeked my eye open to see vice pacing back and forth in the small bathroom. He turned back to me. " one thing you right about is , that you WAS like a son to me. You just don't know how bad I wanna put a bullet through yo shit. but I got some better than that. "

" What could be worse than this vice. " I spit out some blood.

" First of all, you signing them divorce papers nigga. "

" No the fuck I aint! " I yelled out.

" Yes the fuck you are or so help me god I will end yo ass right here! You signing them damn papers. and ya ass getting checked into rehab. Get out, raise ya kid then go on bout yo bidnuss. "

He instructed his guy to help me up . but I had one last question. " W-why? Why you spare me? " I winced in pain

" Cause nigga I was you once upon a time. Everything you done did I done did. Fucked up my life. Cheated, got a baby. Didn't wanna let shit go. The nigga who wanted my head beat my ass until I was on my last brink of life. but he spared me. Got me help. I raised my son. Then got my shit together back in the game. I been there, im just helping you like someone help me. But fuck up again? On my son. Its a wrap "

He walked out the bathroom. Leaving me with his guy as he helped me get cleaned up.

Toot it & Boot it 2: The Takeover Where stories live. Discover now