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Hey, did you miss reading about Thorin and Ása? Well, here's a new chapter, I hope you enjoy it! And don't forget to let me know what you're thinking about it :)

We're back where we've left off, after Thorin rescued Ása.

The scene in Thráin's chamber happens just after the events of the 6th chapter.

Frerin's age in this story is equivalent to around 14 human years (28 dwarf years).


"Ása... Amrâlimê*, you are safe now. I'm here, with you..." Thorin's words rang in Ása's ears. At first, she felt as if she wasn't able to move, but finally her eyelids fluttered and opened reluctantly. It took her a while to get used to the dim light and focus on the surroundings. It was a challenge to move her pounding head, but she managed to recognize her bedchamber. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth: she was in her own bed. But why did everything hurt? And how did she get there? The last thing she remembered was... it was... She felt a wave of dizziness coming over her and tried to swallow, but her throat was dry and aching. She tried to look around, her eyes going out of focus, in search for something to drink. And then she noticed him. His large frame leaned against her bedside table. He sat on the floor on the side of her bed, holding her delicate palm in his large, bruised hand. His head rested against the bed mattress and he was completely still except for the slow, regular movements of his chest, rising and falling.

"Th... Thorin?" she croaked, faintly squeezing his hand.

He stirred immediately and got up.

"Ása...?" Thorin's alert gaze rested on her face. Ása tried to say something more, but was unable to articulate even a single word. It felt as if her throat was full of shattered glass.

"Don't try to speak now, my sweet," he took a mug from the bed table, filled it with water and sat on the bed, helping her to sit up and quench her thirst.

"Better now?" he asked and put away the mug.

Ása nodded. The throat still hurt but the pain was less intense.

"Is there anything you require? Food?"

She shook her head. Food was one of the last things on her mind.

"Anything else? Please don't strain your throat, just show me."
Thorin smiled tenderly, reached towards her face and moved a stray strand of hair away from her eyes. She grabbed his warm hand and placed it against her cheek, closing her eyes and enjoying his touch. A lonely tear ran down her cheek.

"Amrâlimê..." he whispered, drying it off with his thumb. "It's all right. You are safe now. I'm going to..."
"Is she awake, my lord prince?" said Jutta quietly and rose from a chair by the fireplace, waking up from her slumber.

"It appears so, miss Jutta," Thorin replied, reluctantly removing his hand from Ása's face and taking her hand in his once again. Ása's thoughts were still cloudy, but something told her that she should be puzzled at the way he openly demonstrated his affection for her in Jutta's presence. She didn't want to think about it now as long as Thorin was here, with her. She was safe. He would protect her.

"Lady Ása had a bit of water just now," he explained, getting up from the bed. "Perhaps it would be best if I gave you a few moments alone in case..." he cleared his throat in embarrassment, "in case the dressing needs to be changed."

"Thank you, my lord prince," nodded Jutta, "I'll tend to lady Ása's needs the best I can."

"Thank you, miss Jutta. Please let me know as soon as I'm allowed back here."
"Of course, my lord."

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