A Boring Discovery

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"Jutta! I was hoping you would be awake. I brought some of your clothes." Ása walked into her companion's room with a bundle in her hands. Even though Jutta was officially a maid, Ása made sure that she received a separate room next to hers in the royal chambers until her injured leg was properly healed.

"It's hard to sleep when you're hungry," Jutta admitted, sitting in her bed with a breakfast tray on her lap. "Although I may still be dreaming. I can sleep as long as I wish, I get to live in a fancy room in the royal wing, and the servants are at my command. Being the maid to the prince of Erebor's betrothed has its perks," she grinned.

"Enjoy it while you can," Ása replied. "When we're back at Lady Barba's chambers, there will be no one to bring us those breakfast trays."

"But it won't be for long, will it? You'll be back here in a few months as Prince Thorin's wife and I hope you won't forget to take me with you!" Jutta smiled widely, seeing her embarrassment.

"Only if we wed," Ása said quietly and a shadow of sadness crossed her face. "What if Thorin becomes bored with me? Or if he decides that he doesn't want to marry yet? Most dwarves who marry are usually twice our age!* And... what if he changes his mind and chooses someone better suited to fulfill all the royal duties as his consort? What if..."

"Ása, wait," Jutta interrupted her frantic stream of words. "Are you sure you are talking about the Prince Thorin of Erebor and not some other dwarf? The one who'd spent his days and nights by your bed when we didn't know whether we lost you or not? The one who keeps staring at you like a hungry wolf at a sheep since the day you met?"

Ása blushed and averted her gaze.

"Oh, Jutta... you're embarrassing me on purpose."

"No, I'm only trying to make you think straight again," Jutta grinned. "Thorin would sooner shave off his beard than change his mind!"

Ása only sighed in response, not smiling back.

"Tell me, what is bothering you, Ása?" Jutta furrowed her brow.

"Nothing, really... I guess I'm agitated. I'm not sleeping well."

"Have the nightmares returned?"

"No, luckily not. But I've been having these strange dreams for a while now. They started after... after... after the dragon."

Jutta sucked in air in surprise, "What are those dreams about, Ása?"

"They are full of flying dragons and other bizarre things... The dreams are very vivid, sometimes even too much. It's all very confusing," she looked at her friend and noticed her creased brow. "Don't worry Jutta, it's only my restless mind conjuring up weird images after everything that recently happened."

"Are you sure, Ása?" Jutta asked somberly.

"I am," she nodded and smiled reassuringly.

"You know that you can always talk to me about it. It's not like I'm going anywhere," Jutta pointed at her bandaged leg.

"Thank you, Jutta. I will keep it in mind. I just need a good night's sleep and all will be well," Ása smiled to her companion reassuringly. It was not the right time to share her secret with her friend. The most important thing was to let her recover in peace instead of burdening her with all the problems Ása currently faced. Besides, if Jutta knew what was on her mind, she would fiercely oppose her ideas since she would not be able to help nor, what's worse, accompany her. Knowing Jutta, she would probably find a way to disrupt her plans. The plans that Ása laid out since she had that horrible dream a couple of days ago. She desperately wished to speak with Thorin in private about this, but finding a suitable occasion proved to be nearly impossible. Whenever they managed to see each other, even for a moment, there was always someone around them: a chaperone, the members of his family, Balin, Dwalin or any other dwarf who at the worst possible moment had a very important issue to discuss with the new Crown Prince. The amount of Thorin's duties has grown visibly and it seemed to Ása that it would only increase, especially since the king seemed to trust only his grandson when it came to the execution of his most important orders. She wished she could somehow ease her betrothed's burden and was annoyed at her own powerlessness in this matter.

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