13. Technical difficulties

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«-- 5:47 --»

I looked to my right as we walked around the front area of the fair. Gosh. She's so beautiful. I stared at the poster of fries and turkey legs. A body walking into mine snapped me out of my trance.

"Sorry," Cristole mumbled stepping back from me. I frowned at her. She had been acting so weird today. Then, I saw that she was crying when I got it the car. Now, she's mumbling and acting anti-social when I know she's anything but.


Screams filled the air-mine included. Each time the ride went upside down, my stomach dropped. Cristole seemed to be enjoying herself. The 1st time I've seen her smile tonight wasn't until the first ride.

The ride finally came to a stop and we exited as others entered. We continued to walk around, Cristole yawning non-stop along the way.

" Hey Alex," she says.

I turn my head to see she's speaking on the phone. Who's Alex?

"Yea, they aren't back yet. The meeting got held up because of weather or some crap."

Her parents aren't back yet?

"I'm out."

"A friend."

"Don't know, but I'll text you."

"Bye, love you."

She hung up and gracefully slid the phone into her back pocket. I turned my head forward to act like I wasn't eavesdropping or staring at her the whole time.

"Sorry my brother needed to know something." She tried to say but a yawn interrupted her. I pulled my phone out to check the time.


It's getting late and Cristole is obviously tired although there is one last ride we have to go on. I just hope she feels up to it.

"How do you feel about one more ride?" I ask her.

"I can manage." She says trying to prevent a yawn.

I bend down in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"If you want to get to the line faster get on my back." She looks very hesitant but eventually climbs on my back. I grip legs as she wraps her arms around my neck. As soon as she latches on I take off.

Due to my idea of saving time and getting in front if a lot of people, we were on the ride within the next 3 minutes.

I slid in the booth and sat across from her. As the ride slowly rotated I glanced at her. Her eyes held so much emotion behind them. I'm constantly thinking what going on in that little mind of hers.

"Sorry, I know it's really basic." I break the silence.

"No it's fun." She said turning to me and giving me a half smile. She then continued her previous action. Staring out at the beautiful water across fun us. It really was a beautiful sight with the moon and carnival lights reflecting on the water, but she looked at it with distress.

What the hell is this girl thinking about!

"Why were you crying today?"

She doesn't face me. "There are a lot of things wrong with me," she breaks a long silence.

"Anxiety is just one of the many. If your still determined to figure my past out, you'll eventually understand why I was anxious to come here."

"You could've said something. We didn't have to come here. If you were uncomfortable you should've said something!"


"We apologize. But the Ferris wheel is having some technical difficulties. The ride will have to stay still until someone can fix the problem.All riders stuck onboard with be given a full refund. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience."

A long sigh escaped our lips. Fair enough, the Ferris wheel did stop. We were close to the top, but not quite. Although those were the least of my worries.

"So what makes you think your life is so screwed up?"

"I know it's screwed up because I've gone through so much shit people my age shouldn't have to go through. No one should."

Her statement made me frown because I know how she felt.


I shook Cristole lightly to wake her. She seemed surprised at first, but then remembered where she was.

"Thanks," she said checking to see if she had all her stuff.

"Ya know, for tonight," she reassured with a smile.

"No problem. Maybe we could do it again," I asked while climbing out the car to open her door.

"May have to think over that one," she laughed. She climbed out the car. "Thanks again," she smiled. As she walked up to her porch I waited in the car to make sure she got in safe.

Once she got in I drove off towards my house. I knew that once again, she would be captivating my dreams and thoughts tonight.


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sorry for the long wait. I've been busy and had major writers block :(

If you want something to happen in the next chapter let me know!

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