16. Bars and Drool

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It was Saturday night and I was getting ready for my show at Jarell's. He's a long time family friend and I sing at his bar every other Saturday. Singing is hobby of mine that let's me release my emotions.

It's also helpful that there are a ton of songs that match multiple moods which might explain why I have a playlist for everything. Things like sleep, work out, sad, queen, and all those wonderful things.

I wore black leggings with a grey muscle tee and grey vans. I grabbed my phone and walked out the house. I thought about a lot of things on the way to to the local bar. Mostly my parents. I haven't heard from them in a a while. I plan on calling them tomorrow.

I walking in and go backstage saying hi to all the people I know. I grab my guitar that I keep here and make sure its well tuned. I then come out from behind the stage and go to the bar.

"Jarell!" I sream and run up to hug him.

"Cris! Nice to see you again." He smiles while drying off some dishes. I grab an apron and wash my hands to help make drinks. I take a few orders and make them right away.

"So how've you been?" I ask while shaking a mixture together. We both know I'm terrible at small tall but I still try to make the effort.

"Great. Business is busy as hell so yeah." he finished proving that neither of us can really hold a conversation.

"Well I better get going so I'll see after I guess." After waving I make my way back to rear of the stage to practice before I go on. In this time I also slip a familiar pill into my mouth.

I did some voice exercises and went through both of the songs I'd be doing to night on my guitar. Tonight I'd be performing Oh say can you see and Yayo. Both by Lana Del Rey considering in have a slight obsession with her. I just love her music an how it has so much passion and love behind the lyrics and how she has that amazing voice to pull it all together.

Most of the song I perform will sometimes relate to how I'm feeling and I also just love dark or sad music. Most LDR song are like a mirror image to what happens in my life so that's why I like to sings them. But speaking of perform it's my time to go on.

I walk on stage looking down and make my way to the stool that sits center stage. A few wolf whistles erupt but I ignore them. I take one look at the crowd and then look back at my feet. I have serious stage fright and the way I cope is to look at my feet. although the fact that the majority of the crowd is drunk off their ass helps.

I take a deep breath and begin playing the song. When the intro is don't I begin to sing and that raises a few whistles and praise from the crowd.

Oh say can you see my stars
The night time is almost ours

To wander through alleyways and look at the bars
The crowd cheered on considering that was a higher note.

After I finished the song the crowd erupted with praise and I looked over at Jerall to see him smiling and clapping at me too. I smiled back and continued with my next song.


I sat on the barstool laughing with Jarell about irrelevent things while sipping a little bit of dark liquid. I only got to since we know each personaly.

"Woah there you dont want a repeat of what happened last time do ya'?"

A long sigh left my lips while my hand held my head. I flicked him off with the other hand without turning around to see that smirk on his face. " When and where?" I turn around so he can see me roll my eyes at his 6th grade comeback, but of course all he did was wink.

"So are you stalking me now or what?" I ask considering I've never seen him here before. "Nope I came here about two weeks ago and heard you, but then I didnt know who you were. I heard you Tuesday night and now I do."

My reply was a grunt and a yawn soon followed so I know I have to get home soon. I climbed off the barstool and waved bye to Jarell before making my out the bar into the night. I began walking down the street hearing footsteps behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Nick looking around with his hands in his pockets. Eventually they landed on me.

"You want a ride?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I sighed and turned around and sluggishly walked back to him. I would've walked any other time, but I felt like I was about to fall down from exhaustion considering I didn't get much sleep. After we met half-way we continued to walk to his car.

When we finally got there I put on my seatbelt and leaned my head against the window. The engine came to life and the car pulled off with some pop song playing softly in the back and I fell asleep.


I looked over at the passenger seat to see Cristole asleep with a little drool coming out her mouth. That must happen often since she always sleeps with her lips slightly parted. Or from what I've noticed at least.

In no time we arrived at her house. I pulled over on the side of the street and got out the car to her side. I opened the door but was startled by a voice.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing with my sister?" Alex's voice said from behind me.

"Jesus dude it's just me." I said breathing heavy. I swear this guy came out of no where.

" Oh, hey dude. I got her," He reached in and unbuckled the seat belt before picking her up. " Get the door will ya'?" He asked when we reached the front door of the house. I opened it for him and shut it quietly as we walked in.

"Hey can I use your bathroom?" I ask as he begins to walk up the stairs. " Yea, but you might to use it upstairs. That pizza kinda kicked in tonight." he explained.

I laughed a little while I followed him upstairs. I looked at Cristole while her brother carried her up the stairs. Her lips were still parted with a line of drool on her cheek because of her tilted head.
It made me laugh since it reminded me of my brother.

When we reached the top flood I immediately went to the bathroom.when I finished I washed my hands and dried them off. I walked out and paused when I passed Cristole's room. Alex took her shoes off and then tucked her in.

"Your nasty ass drooled on me and I'll get you back for for it, but I'll let you sleep for now. Love you sis." He said before kissing her forehead and getting up to walk out the door. He softly shut it behind him and we walked downstairs. We exchanged goodbyes before I left.

I got in my car and drove off laughing with thoughts of a mysterious drooling girl in my head .


Update is super late ik but I know what's going to happen next chapter so hopefully it'll come quicker.

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