9. Is there food?

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My eyes move under their lid. I open them and am exposed to a hard rock chest and the sun seeping through the curtains and windows creating a cool pattern on the bed.I pushed the covers off half of my body. The cold air instantly caused goosebumps to raise. I looked at the time that read 7:00. I was going to sit up in bed, but I failed to remember there is a half naked, incredibly hot, bo- man next to me, whose arm is draped around my back. I looked at him and the butterflies obviuosly didn't get enough for dinner last night because here they are again this morning.

I hated it. I hated how he made me feel like I have no control of my emotions. Even though I'm only physically attracted to him he manages to give me those school-girl crush feelings. I shook it off and gently pushed his arm off me.

I walked into my bathroom and did my routine. I washed my hair and took a shower last night. I washed off at the sink to get rid of any extra smells and sweat and left my hair in its natural waves. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when someone opened the door. I groaned in pain as the knob hit my hip and looked up at the at culprit.

"Good morning beautiful," a raspy voice came out. I raised a brow at him in confusion. I can't stand mixed signals so I turned around to face the mirror and continue brushing.

"You do know we're still dating right? I never said we broke up." he said plastering a well know smirk on that face of his.

I spit the tooth pace out and turned to face him. "Well too bad you only do that here because I," I put the toothbrush back and continued. "have to go to school."

Once I walked past him, I looked through my closet for something to wear. I settled on some mint shorts with a "rad" crop top and my white, low cut chucks.

"Who said I wasn't going to pretend to be your boyfriend at school?" he asked jumping on my bed.

"I did." I walked over to my desk to put on my makeup for the day. I just put on the basics like mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss.

"Well aren't you in for a surprise," he said before walking out of my room. I slammed it shut after him and proceeded to get dressed. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see everyone there. I walked up to the cabinet and reached in it for the cereal. Before I could reach it a hand slapped me on my ass.

"Who the hell are you?" An angry familiar voice shouted. I turned around and laughed at my brother's pissed off expression. Hopefully he didn't just see Nick slap my butt.

"Alex this is Nick...," I said with a pause. What was he to me in all seriousness?

"Her boyfriend." Nick said looking at me with a challenging look. My eyes bulged at the thought and I fumbled over my words.

"Let's get his straight ok? I'm not your girlfriend. And you," I said now turning to Alex. " Don't believe him."

"Whatever you say girlfriend," Nick sang before walking into the living room. Once he was out of sight I sighed heavily.

"He's just an acquaintance." I say while rolling my eyes. Alex replies with a grunt then proceeds to walk into the living room. I follow behind him. A chorus of greetings enter my ears once we step foot in the room.

"Alex you suck!" Amber randomly screamed. The room was filled with laughter, but everyone laughed harder at Alex's comeback.

"Isn't that your job?"

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