10 - Risk My Freedom

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No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. ~Abraham Lincon

Michael's POV

Luke, Calum, Ashton and I were walking through the town. Luke was standing on my right, he was really quiet after yesterday.

"Luke," I whispered as Ashton and Calum talked loudly in front of us.

"Um..Yeah?" Luke lifted his head to me.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "You've been acting off all day and part of yesterday."

"Nothing's wrong." Luke shook his head.

"You're lying." I said. "Please, just tell me what I'm doing wrong." I paused, watching Luke bite his lip. "Luke, do you regret what happened yesterday?"

"It's..It's not that.." Luke mumbled. Casting his eyes to the ground.

"What is then?" I asked as I lifted his face back up to me.

"I guess I'm just nervous." Luke shrugged as he folded his arms.


"There's something you're not telling me, and that makes me feel like I'm just..Not that important." Luke admitted and I took a deep breath.

"Luke, I'm sorry." I sighed. "It's not that. It's just hard to talk about."

"I..Um..I saw that flower on the floor of your car? What's that from?" Luke asked.

"It's Ashton's." I said quickly. Luke glanced forward at Ashton.

"What's it for?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, you would have to ask him about it." I shrugged.

"Oh. Okay." Luke nodded. He took in a deep breath. "I feel kind of better now."

I smiled. "That's good because - "

I was cut off by the sounds of screams and car horns blaring. We all instantly cranked our heads to see three cars piling on one another.

"Oh my gosh!" Ashton yelled and immediately ran over, me following suit and Calum and Luke following.

We immediately began to pull people out of the cars while one lit fire.

"Hurry Ash, hurry." I said, fearing something would blow up. So we pulled out body after body. Laying them away from the cars. I saw Luke walking by me with a small, bloodied child. If looked as if he as talking to her.

We had gotten every body out and that's when it got heated.

"Calum call an ambulance." Luke ordered.

"Luke we can't!" Calum responded. "They'll find us!" Ashton and I exchanged nerves glances.

"Calum people could die, I am not going to be the reason for these people dying too!" Luke shouted. "If you don't call I will!"

"Oh no you won't!" Calum yelled.

"Calum look at that child!" Luke shouted. His voice choking and his eye filling with tears. "We've gotten this far but what about her? What about all of these people? Cal..I'm begging you, do the right thing."

Calum sighed and pulled out his phone. A few seconds he hung up and pulled Luke into his arms as he broke down.

"Whatever it was that happened.." Ashton breathed. "That was an accident."

Calum and Luke went to help the victims of the car accident on the ground until an ambulance and a police car came. The two stood near us, but too far away for me to do anything.

"Are you two the ones who called it in?" The officer said, one of them looked to Ashton and I and waved. Which made Luke give a confused look.

"Yes sir." Calum sighed, he knew what was coming next.

"Names please." The officer said.

"Calum Hood," He breathed. "And Luke Hemmings. I'm Calum."

"Hood..And Hemmings.." The officer gave a confused look. "Hey, Janice, what were those two kids names?"

"Hood and Hemmings, Calum and Luke." Janice said. She then turned to us and smiled. "I see the detectives were here the whole time."

"What..?" Calum gave a puzzled look.

"Detective Clifford, Detective Irwin!" Janice smiled as she walked over to us.

"Dammit all to hell.." Ashton mumbled.

"Look, you two found the suspects! I'll make a call saying you found them. Do you want to take them in? I mean, they are your prize." Janice shrugged.

"No..We have to get back for questioning." Ashton said quietly. "We don't have the time."

"Alright then, see you later Detective Irwin and Detective Clifford." She smiled and this is when Luke lost it.

"Detective Clifford!?" Luke screamed, tears streaming down his face. "You..You! You tricked me Michael! How could you do that to me!?" I didn't say anything, just ran my fingers through my hair as they handcuffed Luke.

"You lied to me Michael! You lied! You tricked me just so you could get another point in your precious workplace!" Luke yelled. "Did I mean nothing!? Did you just use me to make yourself look good!?"

"C'mon you." The first officer said as he pulled Luke down the road.

"N-No!" Luke yelled as he pushed the officer away so he landed smack on the ground. Letting out sobs the whole time. Out of instinct, I went to go help Luke up. Wanting just to hold him, but Ashton clasped a hand on my shoulder and shook his head. Pulling me away from the blonde who was literally being dragged away.

I took a deep breath as I got in the car with Ashton, neither of us said a word, he just sat there. Shaking his head slowly.

"I can't believe it Michael," Ashton sighed. "It was your idea to go under cover, yours. And you mess it all up. You got close to the poor boy, you destroyed him. So tell me..What exactly happened between you two and how do you feel about Luke?"

"Ash please -"

"No Michael!" Ashton yelled as he slammed his hand down on the armrest, looking at me with an angered face. "Did you see that poor boy!? Now tell me, what the hell happened!?"

"I think.." I paused. "I think I fell for him. Ash, dammit.."

"How far did this go?" Ashton asked.

"I made promises I knew I wouldn't be keeping, dammit Ashton I slept with him." I said before crying.

"For your sake, I'm not going to let anyone know this, and you better hope Luke doesn't spill either or you'll be out of  a job." Ashton said.

"I'm a horrible person.." I cried into my hands.

"I'm not going to lie, yeah you are. You ruined that poor boy." Ashton sighed. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

And I was more than that.


Wooooo Update citaaaay. I'm only saying that because I just did Pill By Pill. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and I suck :(

I'm just lazy af.

Anyways I hope you had a good holiday season! I'll be updating quite a bit in the next few days. SO I WILL SEE YOU LATER.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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