chapter 1: Eudaimonia

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(n.) a contented state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous
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"THERE, THAT SHOULD DO IT," I said to Emma, tying the blue ribbon in her hair.

She looked back at me with a smile and patted the spot next to her on the blanket jubilantly. Claire, Olive and Bronwyn sat with us as well, chattering excitedly as Fiona smiled brightly along. The day radiated its consistent beauty; Cotton-ball clouds played tag with the wonderful blue sky, and the sun and wind worked together mindfully, creating a comfortable temperature for us as we lounged on the grass.

"No no no, we'll attack them from behind the hedges!" Claire suggested, bouncing up and down.

"They'll see that from a loop away," Bronwyn responded.

"You know, we could lift Olive above the trees and have her initiate a sneak attack," said Emma.

"YES!" the floating girl shrieked, grabbing Fiona's hand and shaking it in the air through her excitement.

"Why are we planning this now when both teams agreed to a truce for today?" I asked.

Claire's eyes narrowed, "I don't trust them."

Stifling a laugh, I peered around the area. We sat on a comfortable plot of grass, encircled by bushes of colorful hydrangea and summer lilac. We were definitely hidden from prying eyes and ears, but a sudden twinge of suspicion made me peer deeper into the foliage, searching in between flowers and leaves for signs of peculiar boys.

Fiona, noting my curiosity, stood up and began filling the gaps between bushes with new shrubbery and flowers. Bronwyn cheered Fiona on and I clapped with the others. Once she finished — she had done so very quickly and skillfully — she crossed her arms and nodded proudly at her work with a smile before joining us back on the blanket.

"Well, if we are to be suspicious of their whereabouts, I suggest sending a scout to map out the area," Emma stated.

"Me! I call it!" I said, raising my arm above my head. "They'll never even see me coming."

"Oh really?" Enoch said from behind me, throwing a bucket of water over my head.

"Now!" I heard Hugh yell, and the boys came charging through the bushes, pelting us with handheld-sized bags of water which burst upon contact. The girls shrieked, covering their heads as they tried to stand up and face the boys.

I shot to my feet and whipped around to face Enoch who had quickly discarded his bucket and reached into another one someone had pulled into our hideout with them, which contained more of these water bags. They were curious little things! It seems as though the boys have invented a new weapon for our battles.

I ducked as he chucked one at me, and a surprised laugh echoed from his lungs. As he reached into the bucket for another one, I dove after him, grabbing his arms and pulling him away from it. He quickly overpowered my grip, clutching me in his arms and turning me around so that I faced the carnage in front of me.

SPARK: A New Storm  // Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now