chapter 3: Litost

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(n.) a state of torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery; A feeling of regret or remorse for doing wrong
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I LEFT FOR THE VILLAGE AS SOON as everyone had gone to sleep. The window adjacent to my bed was the inconspicuous way out; Trellis panels decorated the outside walls, providing excellent footholds alongside the vines which climbed it.

Patting my coat pocket which held Baeddan's crumpled note, I took a deep breath, calming my nerves. I followed the usual path to Cairnholm village, keeping quiet and staying aware of my surroundings. Whatever that arduous, pig-headed, incessant tease has to say, it better be good.

I made it into town quickly, and hid behind a low wall, waiting for Mr. Enthen's whistle and the slam of his front door to confirm my safe passage. I headed in the direction of the sheep barn, seeing Mr. Gregory enter his home quietly up the street.

After reaching the property on which the barn stood, I stopped walking and listened to the night's symphony. A sheep's sleepy bleat affirmed my location, and I took a deep breath, continuing forward. Once the barn was before me, I reached out into the darkness. My hands then began wandering the large, wooden door in search of a handle.

"You're here early," a voice sounded behind me, surprised.

I jumped with a startled gasp and turned around to face Baeddan. He held a lantern in his hand, and it cast an orange glow on his young, structured face. Over his clothes he wore a long, hooded cowl, though his laid-back, lofty posture shown through the layers.

Ignoring my scowl, he handed me the lantern and lifted a wooden plank from the door. He placed this on the ground and sliding the door open, he swept an arm towards the entrance with a dazzling smile.

"After you, dollface."

I made sure to 'accidentally' step on his foot as I passed.

We were met with the voices of confused sheep as Baeddan closed the door behind himself. I was already climbing up to the hayloft, leaving him in darkness as he pushed through the animals. Once I reached the top, I placed the lantern beside me, sitting cross legged as the shrouded messenger finally caught up to me.

He had just sat down in front of me when I blurted, "Why did you tell me to come here?"

"Oh me? I had a wonderful day, doll, thank you for asking. And you?"

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"I'm just trying to have a pleasant conversation."

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