chapter 2: Schwellenangst

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(n.) the fear of crossing a threshold to embark on something new
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AFTER LUNCH HAD CONCLUDED, we went outdoors for an official meeting on neutral territory. The main topic was to discuss the boys' violation of the one-day truce, and whether or not it should count. Horace decided to tag along, suggesting that he act as a stenographer in order to provide more formality to our "brutish behavior".

"I don't think the boys deserve winning that challenge," Bronwyn crossed her arms.

Emma raised her hand, "I second that."

Claire, "I thirded that!"

"You guys are just upset that you lost," Hugh shrugged.

"I warned you, Hugh, that attacking during a truce would risk the challenge being disqualified from the Games," Millard stated from somewhere. He clearly decided that this meeting was clothing-optional.

"If we just forget that this challenge happened, we can have the final challenge at the beach," I stated. "That was always a backup anyway, and I think we could all use a good trip off of the property."

After a few minutes of more discussion, murmurs of agreement rose from both teams. A day at the beach never failed to be a grand time, and what better way to conclude the Games than at a location meant for having fun?

"It's settled then." Bronwyn rose to her feet, along with Hugh, and they shook hands. Both teams' excitement was tangible, and a few hoots and hollers rippled through the group.

"Well in any sense, I was impressed by Fi's handiwork," Hugh stated, casting a swift glance in the girl's direction.

A quiet "thank you" came from Fiona in a thick Irish accent as she hid her face behind wild hair. Others agreed with Hugh's statement, and continued to compliment Fiona's work.

"You definitely made it more challenging for us to get through the shrubbery," Millard added.

"But you also made it easier for us to stay hidden," Enoch smirked.

Abe jumped in, "Hold on one moment, can we discuss why Victor betrayed us?" Seeing his arm slung around Emma's shoulders, I knew exactly why.

"It was an accident," Victor shrugged.

"You hit me with five water balloons!"

"My hand slipped."

"Gentlemen," Horace cut in, "can you please calm yourselves and inform me as to why we're having these, what do you call them? the Games? in the first place?"

Everyone looked at me.

After a moment's pause, I said, "Okay, I know this whole thing was inspired off of some suggestions I made, but that doesn't mean I came up with what the losers have to do in the end."

SPARK: A New Storm  // Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now