chapter 4: Renascent

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~A/N: Before we begin, I just wanted to thank you all for 100+ votes and comments! We've made it to 1,000 reads too! I never expected such a great turnout and I'm very grateful. Enjoy this long chapter and the picture below, which I like to imagine as Adeira and Victor. Xx


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(adj.) being reborn; springing again into being or vigor
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I DIDN'T SLEEP AT ALL THAT NIGHT. Even after Enoch had shut the door on me, I stayed there, whispering to him, begging for him to open it. I attempted a soft knock, but I was terrified that the rest of the home would wake up. I then tried talking to him for a long, painful hour, clutching the doorknob, pressing my hands to the door. All to no avail. When I finally gave up, I could hear something shift on the opposite side of the door. A shift as if he were sitting there, his back against the barrier between us. I brushed this off, dejected, and retreated to the one other person I knew would understand and soothe me.

It was horrible telling Emma what I'd been up to. After I had unceremoniously woke her up in her private bedroom with tears dried onto my face, fresh tears came anew as I revealed the entire story. Who I was in contact with. Baeddan. How I'd been sneaking out multiple times a week. Enoch's reaction and how he wouldn't hear me explain. Emma was wonderful to me; Shocked and confused, but kind. She didn't push the subject of my correspondant; She knew I needed more time.

I stayed with her that night and we simply chatted, laying on her bed with our eyes cast to the ceiling. She told me about Abe and I couldn't help but smile. They were happy and perfect, though she laughed when she said that the children prefer me and Enoch. I swallowed hard when she said this, my heart aching.

"He won't listen to me."

"He will, Adeira, but you know him. He's emotional, easily jealous, and aggressive, and he needs time. Just like you," she smiled softly. "He'll come around. Though apologies from both of you are in order."

I let out a deep sigh, and nodded. "I really messed up, didn't I?"

She turned to me in the dark, "You had and have every right to be figuring things out for yourself. But the way you're going about these things isn't the smartest." She hesitated, "Why didn't you at least tell Miss Peregrine about all this?"

"She wouldn't have let me be in communication with Devil's Acre. She's too protective, bird bless her."

Emma opened her mouth to protest, but decided against arguing. We both peered back at the ceiling. After a few minutes of silence, I asked her about the Games and what the group had decided on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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