Chapter 1.

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(All the pics are from printrest, it doesnt say who drawed them sadly. Also sorry for the shitty push together, I just wanted to give an Idea of them). 



A thousand years ago a war was started by King Zarkon of the galra.

King Alfor of Altea sent the five lions of voltron into hiding while sending the castle of lions away. His daughter princess Allura sleeping within a pod inside the castle along with her  royal advisor Coran. Sadly Altea fell to Zarkon hands and was destroyed while any surviving Alteans on other planets were hunted down without mercy. 

Zarkon ruled with his hunger for power growing within him and he kept capturing more and more planets. Killing or enslaving the aliens races on the planet. He grew strong with each day and many lost hope of ever being freed or having pace within the universe. 

But Rebels were forms and the blade of Marmora. They fought back against Zarkon, little by little in hopes of returning peace and freedom, to end Zarkon ruling. But the universe needed voltron if they ever wish to stop Zarkon but Voltron still stayed lost.

Until a certain Human broke many laws and many garrison rules while becoming friends with an Idiot along her way. She became someone else and well most thought she was a guy, it help her keep a secret identify. She found clues of alien life and one night snuck out to the roof to check the garrison base patrol in hopes of sneaking out towards a cave. 

But she was met with her friend following her to the roof before making her jump and the two ended up talking a little before something caught their eyes. A ship that clearly wasn't one of theirs making them run and follow the landing site. 

She notice it was close to the cave she wanted to check out, she ran with backpack hitting her with each step she took, her friend running slightly ahead of her. But as they reached the landing sight they found the ship to be alien. She ran towards the cave, her friend running after her not wanting to leave her to handle whoever landed alone. 

She turned into the cave to be met with a blaster aimed towards being held by a galra soldier.

"Pidge" Her friend called out with fear as the soldier got ready to shoot to stop any witnesses. 

Long strong arms wrapped around her waste before she fell to the ground with a thud, laying huddle up in her friends arms before they both looked at each other slightly freaking out before standing up. Her hand being held by his as he lead them deeper into the cave before it started to light up once his hand touched the wall to lead them in the dark. Light blue filled the cave markings before their yells filled the air as they fell once the floor gave in. 

Both wondering if they were dead before being met with a metal blue lion. 

Neither willing to move until they heard footsteps above making them both rather take on a metal lion that could easily crush them to death in one step then a crazy alien with a blaster. A particle  barrel kept them from going any closer to the lion before she watched her friend knock on the barrel like an idiot and yet it got the particle barrel to close down, maybe he wasn't an idiot. 

Both turned as they heard the blaster being aimed before running towards the lion who seemed to lean down hoping its mouth. A blaster shot hitting the lions leg as they ran inside the mouth. Images of the lions truth filled their arms before her friend took control and flew out the cave not thinking twice of staying in the cave with the crazy shooting alien soldier. 

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