Chapter 8.

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"Hey beautiful! Your face is like a moon. Always glowing" Lidge spoke clearly without stuttering or becoming shy over the flirt. His tail hanging low like normal but swaying slightly as his ears were pointed again.

"Ok now lets try something a little more risky" Lance replied as they started to walk out of the blue lion, Lance helmet under his arm.

"Please no" Pidge begged slightly as she been stuck listening to Lance trying to teach the poor boy all kinds of flirts to use on different vibe ladies for the past three hours. Her helmet was held by both her hands stopping her from strangling Lance during those three hours. 

"Risky" Lidge asked unsure. 

"Yep, when you wanna do more then charm the girl. Of course I'm not that type of man but you may need it one day during your teen years" Lance replied as he walked down the ramp beside Lidge, ready to catch the nine year old if he tripped.

"Lets try it" Lidge smiled brightly while Pidge groaned in frustration.

"Care to experience some thrust?" Lance cheekily spoke as he glanced to Lidge as horror filled Pidge eyes.

"LANCE" Pidge yelled out slapping his back for trying to teach the young boy that style of flirting, her helmet now held only in her left hand. 

"Wha, I'm just getting him ready for life" Lance laughed back as Pidge glared.

"Care to" Lidge started to say but was stopped by Pidge covering his mouth with the hand she used to hit lance.

"Trust me, you should never use that otherwise you only get slapped just like this goofy" Pidge smiled slightly and Lidge nodded in understanding.

"So, what should I do in my teen years. I mean why would different style of flirting be needed just because of my age" Lidge asked confused and the two paladins froze.

"That a conversation for you to have with Antok" Pidge smiled and ruffle Lidge hair. 

"Agreed" Lance mumbled uneasy. 

"Is Antok my brother" Lidge asked unsure.

"Yep" Lance grinned as they finally stepped of blue ramp making it return inside the lion.

"Will I have to share you both with my brother" Lidge asked with a slight frown as the two paladins froze.

"Share.. Wait you don't think we your... No Lidge we not your ... Lance help" Pidge started to say in shock and slight panic but not wanting to hurt the boy. 

"Sorry but only I can be baby to her" Lance sulked as he wrapped his arms around Pidge who froze. 

"Why did that make so much sense of my life with you" Pidge sighed and Lance sulked more. 

"Sis" Matt called out as he ran over with the other three paladins behind him.

"A child, I don't remember seeing him in the halls" Keith mumbled as he looked to Lidge who gave a shy wave.

"Do you work for NASA? Because you're out of this world" Lidge smiled brightly as he send a half wink since he couldn't blink very well just yet. 

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