Chapter 5.

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"Shit" Pidge hissed as she looked to the Galran cruiser ship flying down to the planets, hovering in the sky.

"How did they even find us, We Don't even have our lions" Lance whispered yelled in shock as he stood beside Pidge looking to the sky. 

"No Clue the planets small and hidden behind mostly destroyed planets. Its too small and weak to catch any galra eyes unless they heard news of voltron being here" Olia explained as they all stood in an open area outside the base after hearing the ship coming.

"We would have heard threw our ship coms if someone used them, we heard nothing" N-7 replied as she turned to the others. 

"So something pulled them here before we arrived" Shiro spoke in a small voice and looked to Pidge hoping she had a plan.

"How many rebels are on this planet, who has the fastest ship that could fly us all away" Pidge spoke up as she turned to her brother.

"Who you see now is who is here, these ships are all spares for other rebels to pick up when needed. We the only unit still here, we lost a lot of rebels to Sendak" Matt answered as he looked to his sister watching her tense as Sendak name while Lance placed a hand on her shoulder.

"So, we can all escape in one ship .. what one the fastest" Keith asked as he turned to Olia.   

"Ours but we wont be able to outrun that cruiser even with my ship. We be shot down or caught in the tractor beam" Olia warned as she looked to Keith.

"I would vote to run and hide but we sitting ducks here" Hunk said as he freaked out a little. 

"Clam down, Panic will not save us" N-7 replied as she placed a hand on Hunk shoulders.

"No, I think right now is a great time to panic" Matt mumbled as his eyes filled with horror at the sight before him.

"Here comes the fighters" Lance mutter as the fighters flew straight towards. 

Everyone turned back to the sight of the fighters getting ready to shoot at them forcing them to run back to Matt crew ship. Hiding inside and closing the ramp to protect them a little from the bullets that was sent straight where they once stood.

"Fly" Hunk cried out as the three rebels sat in their chairs, starting the ship up.

"Weapons online" Matt yelled out to Olia who started flying the ship.

"Then Use them" Shiro ordered not caring to wait for Olia answer.

"They coming on our left" N-7 warned as she looked to the screens as the fighters came flying back towards them. 

"Hard right" Keith snapped at the captain of the ship who nodded before turning sharply just missing all the blasts sent at them while Matt shot back brining two down. 

"Hold on" Olia called out as she turned sharply flying up missing the tractor beam from the cruiser. 

"We going to die" Hunk cried out making the other paladins glare at him.

"We have no lions, no back up, no decent weapons to face the cruiser head on and no ship we can use to out run it. What's the plan that most likely will get us killed" Lance mumbled before turning to Pidge who was leaning on him to keep steady while using her halo.

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