Chapter 2.

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"Keep staring and that drool will become a fountain" Pidge smirked as she stood beside Lance who was clearly staring at a female blade ass and chest when she turns feeling someone staring at her.

"Like you dont drool over hot aliens" Lance mumbled back as he wipe his mouth glancing to the green paladin.

"At least I dont make it obvious" Pidge teased back and started walking away.

"Wait ... You check guys out" Lance yelp and ran after her, walking beside her with his eyes glued on her once he reached her.

"Maybe" Pidge grinned and looked ahead before stopping as she notice a short male blade member leaning on a wall with his arms crossed. His head low and looking to the ground.

"Who" Lance asked before stopping as she does.

"No one, I'm just messing with you and anyway why do you care If I suddenly did start checking others out in a flirty way" Pidge asked turning to Lance.

"Well we friends and you know alien danger ... I'm just looking out for you" Lance mumbled and rubbed his neck a little.

"Whatever" Pidge sighed and started walking again towards the blade member leaving Lance unsure. 

"Pidgin" Lance mutter with a frown as she stood before the blade member who lifted their head, their mask and hood still on. 

"Keith right" Pidge asked with a sweet smile and the member freeze a little before giving a slight nod.

"How did you" Keith started to ask as he looked to her threw his mask.

"Your body built, I try and remember every blade member by their body since they never show a face. Anyway lets more on from how stalkerish that sounded, how are you friends doing" Pidge asked with a small nervous smile and felt Keith eyes scan her.

"They my teammates not friends but they are doing well, just a couple bruises and will be on another mission soon" Keith replied and Pidge smile grew.

"That's good to hear, I wasn't sure what we shape we find you three in. Well I'll leave you be, see you around Keith" Pidge smiled sweetly and went to step back but Keith pushed from the wall.

"I'm heading to dinner ... wanna join" Keith asked wondering over the strange human girl who was able to figure out who he was when other blades cant unless they link to his suit ID.

"Ah food, yeah that's a good Idea or Shiro will give me the bad speech again" Pidge joked and notice Keith chuckle a little.

"Well lets go eat" Lance interrupted as he walked over.

"Sure" Keith sighed and the three started walking towards the dinner hall. 

The three sat down with their trays and Pidge glanced to Keith wondering how he would eat with his mask on. She smiled nervously as he turned to her, clearly an eyebrow raised behind his mask.

"Sorry, Just wondered how blade members eat with their masks" Pidge mumbled and poked her food a little as she looked away.

"The mask can fade half off, meaning we can just show our mouths ... see" Keith answered as the bottom half his of mask vanished.

"But most of us eat with the mask off unless we on a mission, See" Keith spoke up and nodded his head for her to look around.

"Wow, how have we missed this" Lance mutter in shock and Pidge nodded in agreement.

"Well you paladins normally eat in the small kitchen that yellow paladin use, meaning you dont really eat with us often" Keith explained and Pidge gave a slight nod.

"Thanks Keith" Pidge smiled and Keith gave a slight nod before taking his mask fully off and pulling down his hood.

"Wow that one is deadly cute" Lance grinned and elbow pidge to make her look.

"Your right she deadly now eat not flirt" Pidge sighed and started eating.

"I'm still not sure how you both became close friends or are you just close because your paladins" Keith spoke up and glance to Pidge as he took a bite of his meal.

"He a good guy really, he may be a lover-boy but you can count on him more then you think" Pidge explained and Keith gave a slight nod.

"I may be skilled with a gun but that not the only skill I have and I'll be happy to show my aim within in" Lance flirty talked to a female blade member who sat beside him while Pidge rolled his eyes.

"I sware he is a good friend" Pidge frowned and Keith just shrugged.

The three soon finished eating and headed to their own rooms for the night. Lance and Pidge walked in a content silence since their rooms was beside the other in case the other needed human help or what they lied to Kolivan at the risk of being bunk opposite ends of the base. 

They came to a stop in one hall with a glass ceiling aimed to the starts above the planet. Hazel and blue eyes staring out to the stars wondering how earth was and their love ones who all stood under the stars as well.

"Pidge, do you think we ever get home" Lance asked with worry.

"I dont know but I like to hope we will" Pidge answered as they stayed just standing looking to the stars.

"I'm sure we will, we beat Zarkon and return home along with your brother and dad" Lance mutter and held his hand out before holding Pidge, giving a slight squeeze.

"Thanks Lance and I'm sure once your gotten sick of your family again then all the girls will be fanning over a space hero" Pidge smiled softly and Lance chuckled.

"We be fighting off humans once we return to earth as hero's" Lance grinned making her giggle.

"Sorry for dragging you off into space" Pidge sighed and looked to the floor. 

"I chose to run to the landed ship just like you did, its not your fault" Lance replied as he turned to see her head low.

"But you ran in to save me from getting shot by the soldier, you pulled me along and well you got cornered to take the blue lion or die. If I didnt just run ahead, you wouldnt have to step in and save me before coming out to space" Pidge spoke with a small voice.

"Pidge neither had the option to stay on earth as the soldier came after us, I miss home but I dont regret coming to space. Nor do I regret saving you, I'm happy Pidgin and well I want to fight against Zarkon before he reaches earth" Lance spoke up from the heart and pidge looked to him surprised before smiling.

"Thanks Lance, I'm glad I got stuck in space with you" Pidge smiled sweetly and squeezed his hand a little. 

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