Chapter 3.

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"Sorry" Pidge mutter with a slight blush as she glanced to lance while she held onto Lance arm.

"Its alright" Lance squeaked with a blush over his cheeks as he turned his head to the side hoping she wouldnt notice his blush.

"I'm holding on too tight, aren't I" Pidge asked with a bright smile, her eyes close as she stayed holding into lance left arm.

"You can hold tighter if you need, I dont mind" Lance answered as he turned to look at her, admiring her as she giggled.

"Thanks" Pidge smiled and opened her eyes, letting her shining hazel eyes look into his blue ones.

"Always" Lance whispered as he stayed just looking to her.

"You both do know that if you kiss your just be smashing your helmets together" Keith spoke up as he stood floating behind them in his blade unifrom, while the two paladins were in there paladin amour helmet and all since they were in space. 

"We not going to kiss" Lance argue back.

"Seems like you two were gonna kiss" Hunk spoke up in his paladin armour as he floated upside down.

"We not going to kiss" Pidge sighed as she looked to the yellow paladin. 

"Can we not fight over if they gonna kiss or not, we need to get a message out" Shiro frowned as he floated in his black paladin amour looking at the others.

"I'll try and send a single out to the rebel base nearby" Pidge spoke up as she looked to Shiro who nodded.

"See if you can, If not we may need to activate our emergency  single but we be at the mercy on anyone passing. Galra or friend" Shiro replied and Pidge nodded in under standing.

"We wont be in the situation if the idiot didnt blow our ship up but overheating the fuel" Keith grumbled as he glared at Lance who snapped his head towards the blade member to glare back.

"At least I'm not a crazy psycho who enjoys stabbing things let alone trying to be scary when having a mullet" Lance huffed back as he moved his arms to cross them without thinking and making Pidge fly forward a little since she was still holding onto him.

"Wha" Pidge yelp as she spun a little making Pidge quickly reach out to her, wrapping his arms around her armoured waste to steady her.

"Sorry" Lance mumbled as he looked to her.

"No worries, I better get working on that single" Pidge mutter and went to lean away from Lance but he stayed holding her.

"Um lance" Pidge whispered with a blush as she glanced to his arms that were still wrapped with him. 

"Ah sorry" Lance blushed and let her go leaving her to float before him while she opened up her halo and got working. 

"Kolivan is going to be so angry when we return, I mean we completed our given mission but we blew up our get away ship and is just floating in space until someone saves us. 

"Clam down hunk, We going to be fine and Kolivan wouldnt be too mad. After all we did gather the info needed" Shiro replied as he turned to hunk who was in the early stages of freaking out.

"Any luck" Keith asked as he glanced to Pidge who lifted her legs like she was sitting while floating making her lean into Lance chest.

"Careful, we can't have our sassy brain getting lost in space" Lance grinned as he wrapped his arms around pidge stomach letting her stay leaning into him. 

"The signal out, we just have to wait for them to pick us up" Pidge explained and leaned her head back resting it on Lance armoured shoulder.

"Sleepy" Lance asked as he watched he close her eyes.

"A little" Pidge answered.

"Rest" Lance smiled as he looked to her, her helmet hiding her face from this angle.

"Nah" Pidge sighed.

"I know you haven't been sleeping well, sleep and I'll wake you when help arrives" Lance replied and Pidge gave a slight nod before she relaxed a little more.

"So, how did you two end up in space" Keith asked as he, Shiro and Hunk huddle up a little closer to stay as a group floating nearby. 

"We saw a galra fighter land in the middle of the night, ran over like idiots and almost died as we escape with the blue lion" Lance explained without much care or detail.

"And the castle of lions, Pidge freezes up whenever someone mentions it" Shiro asked and Lance frowned.

"Sendak took it along with Princess Allura and Coran, Pidge blames herself but it was just her against Sendak and his men. She was able to get the lions out and my coma state body out but the alteans were found. We know they on Zarkon ship but we not been able to sneak in and safe them .. not yet" Lance sighed and held Pidge a little tighter. 

"That's not all she looking for ... right" Keith spoke up and Lance shook his head but stayed silent. 

"Why dont we move on, I'm sure we dont need to know everything not yet" Hunk smiled and Lance nodded in agreement. 

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