Chapter 7.

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(deca-phoebe=Year ..... Dobosh=Minutes..... Tick=seconds)

Lance and Pidge been in space for Four years, the fourth year passing just a couple weeks before Lance and Pidge saw Allura again. This chapter is based just a couple after the last chapter...


My name is Lidge and I'm Nine deca-phoebes old.

I'm an garlan orphan living on planet Mox, my parents were both soldiers working under Zarkon. My mother was proud of her galra blood and was happy to fight under Zarkon name. My father well he was forced to be a soldier by his parents and he didnt agree with Zarkon ways. That how my father knew about the blade of Marmora. He wanted to join but couldn't risk it, he loved my mother and knew it bring shame to her if he did. He wanted to help stop Zarkon but he chose his family over war. My father use to tell me stories over the blade of Marmora and the paladins of voltron.

My mother was killed by a blade member five years ago but I hate neither my mother or the blade member. I wished I could but I knew my mother was hurting other races in her job and the blade member was just stopping her. My mother may how been proud but she did give me life. 

My father died two years ago, he wasn't killed by voltron nor the blade of Marmora but by a galra commander. My father was ordered to kill another planet children to teach the prisoners who weren't working fast enough a lesson. My father couldn't just kill the children, even if they weren't his blood he just couldn't earning his own death. I'm proud of my father and I dont hate him. 

The only person I truly hate is Zarkon for letting the universe turn out like this, he was meant to be our king yet he only brought suffering.

I had no other family and while my mother died proudly in the eyes of others my father didnt making no one accept me into their own home. Instead I was thrown into the soldiers training camp as the orphan I am now. 

I didnt wish to be a soldier but now I had no choice unless I wished to be shot for betraying the king. I may be Nine but I knew my father wanted me to live, he wanted me to see the universe in peace again by voltron hands. 

I'm average height for a galra child, thin light purple fur and bright yellow eyes. I have a small tail that always hang low and tiny claws. My teeth are sharp and my ears are pointed. I look just like any other galran but I have an heart. 

But my heart just got me being bulled by the other children in my training class, if the training didnt injury me then my classmates would. Day after day they would attack me but it helped me grown stronger. 

I had to become stronger and wiser if I ever hoped in joining the blade of Marmora or even join voltron to help bring peace and end Zarkon ruling.

That why I kept growing stronger and smarter just like the Blue and Green paladin. I would use my mind to help me win in battle and outsmart my enemy. I would use my charm and strength to take down my enemy. Using my sassy and flirt to help calm others down and to let them know freedom is within their reach once more. 

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