Chapter 9.

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"Something wrong" Lance asked as he walked over stopping beside his fellow paladin as she stood looking to the sky.

"Just thinking" Pidge answered her eyes not moving from the sky.

"Ah, so something is wrong" Lance joked making her giggle before playfully slap his arm. 

"Nothing is wrong, I'm just wondering what we be like once we return to earth after the war. I mean how can we act like normal humans after being in space fighting in huge lions. I just, I don't know just wondering over our future" Pidge muttered with a soft smile, turning to him as he looked to her.

"Our future" He smiled gently, glancing to the sky.

"Got any plans for after the war" Pidge asked, wonder in her eyes.

"Run a Farm, I'm taking kaltenecker with me and just gonna run my own farm. Just relax on earth" Lance answered with a dreamy smile.

"Your taking our daughter from me" Pidge teased in fake horror, placing her hand over her heart as he turned to her with a chuckle.

"Well there always room on my farm for you, there will always be a sport beside me meant for you" Lance smiled contently, his eyes shining as he looked to her.

"Really" Pidge asked surprised, her hazel eyes looking to his gentle blue eyes.

"Yes" Lance promised as he held her free hand in his, just looking at her.

"Will there be milkshakes" Pidge asked with a teasing smirk.

"Always" Lance grinned making her giggle.

"I wouldn't mind staying with you even once the war is over" Pidge smiled softly giving his hand a slight squeeze as his smile grew.

"Then we better hurry up and finish this war" Lance answered looking back to the sky, the war on growing as Zarkon wrath grows each day they fight back. 

"Or you could just man up and ask me on a date already" Pidge grinned back as she turned to the sky while his head whip round to look at her in shock while a blush filled his cheeks.

"Wha" Lance squeaked making her laugh. 

"Come on Lover-Boy, wasn't there a reason they called you the tailor back in the garrison" Pidge teased, letting his hand go as she held her hands behind her back.

"The tailor flirts but Lance he treats the one important to him with respect" Lance answered as he glanced to the floor feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Well I never said I didnt mind you flirting, I just said most of them were stupid" Pidge pouted back before turning as she felt his hands on her cheeks.

"I really hate how cute you are becuase I feel like you might be the dead of me" Lance muttered as he leaned down joining their lips into a sweet kiss, his eyes staying close as he felt her kiss back placing her hands against his chest.

"Your one to talk" Pidge mumbled with rosy cheeks as they pulled away, a goofy smile on his lips.

"Lets end this war Pidgey .. Together" Lance smiled demined to finish the war and grab hold of their future. 

"Together" Pidge promised lacing their hands together before they turned to the sky knowing the battle ahead would be harsh but they wouldn't back down without a fight. 

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