Staggering Anomaly

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Some days insist on being anomalous,
so just before we ventured out - a 'Ting!'
where there should be no such t'ing.
"Come on. Leave it be," Joy urged, as I
tried to replicate the sound, nail-flicking
the sides of salad bowls and mixing bowls.
Pretty near some 'tong', 'tung', 'ding' seemed
but 'dang' it was not spot-on. "Come on!"

So out we went, parked near the wetland walk
but crossed under the road-bridge,
admiring  bullrushes in that long pond
which lounges round the many bridge supports,
froggy land so deep in ooze the bridge
was built on 'floating foundations'.
Then we oohed and aahed where cracks
in facing showed a little subsidence.

But the best of it was when we found
the cat tree. Thought it was a distressed puss,
maybe half-drowned at river's edge,
poor injured thing. Then no. "That tree...
It thinks it is a cat. Ha-ha. It's a branch,
a squeaking branch -  a plaintive, mewing branch."
We turned to go when a desperate mowl
so nearly had us fooled a second time.

But none of these anomalies was stranger
than browsing online ruminating later,
back at home, happening on the Oh-Dear
oddity that Alice Walker, of all people,
endorsed David Icke's loony conspiracies.
So - it's all done with beams from Saturn
and 12 foot reptoids? 
                                            No doubt even
our lone 'ting' and mowling tree
                                                      would fit right in.


Or maybe we just need to get out more ;) - if only we could. Soon, soon... :)

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