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Huit - Eight

Sometimes Fay got sick of being known for his sexuality. Sometimes he just wanted to be recognized for what he was capable of and not who he screwed. Whenever he started to get beyond annoyed by other's perception of him, he would walk into drama club and suddenly everything would go away.

It was like a miracle drug that could calm him down no matter how worked up he was. That was how he felt when he got there on that particular day. It acted as a breath of fresh air in tainted lungs. A speck of freshwater in the salted sea.

They were currently practicing for the performance of Romeo and Juliet. Fay, of course, had the role of Mercutio. The play was a bit juvenile for some of the club members, but the teacher, Mr. Sullivan, insisted that they should do it anyway. He said that if they were capable of lifting up plays that had been ran into the ground, then they were truly talented. Fay completely understood his words.

It hadn't shocked Fay that he was playing Mercutio, since he was a questionably straight character as it was. Why not make the flamboyant gay kid play him? Thankfully, Mercutio was Fay's favorite character, so he was actually thrilled to be able to play that role - he just wished that people thought more of him.

They had two months before they were even going to perform it. Most kids didn't know any of their lines yet. Fay had memorized the entire book, from cover to cover. He first started reading Shakespeare before he even moved to America. The fact that he had memorized Romeo and Juliet wasn't all that shocking, and it wasn't the only drama that he had.

Practice was spent listening to others try to remember their lines, Mr. Sullivan yelling for them to put their backs into it, and people discussing costumes. There wasn't anything more that Fay could have asked for. That was where he belonged. When it came to an end, Fay wasn't exactly thrilled, but he felt a lot better than he had when he first got there.

Outside the sun had begun to set, leaving a faint orange glow to illuminate the sky. Fay walked down the sidewalk, mumbling the lyrics from Valjean's Soliloquy from Les Misérables to himself as he went. The light breeze felt nice on his face.

He didn't live too far from the school, but he wasn't exactly right next door. It sometimes took up to fifteen minutes to walk home when he was being extra slow. Today was one of those times. Fay was birdied too deep within his thoughts. What started out as mumbling, became a mini concert. And he performed well.

Fay was a singer. He could sing better than most, especially when it was a song that he loved. Which were most songs from most musicals. So, he often found himself singing even when he hadn't realized that he was doing it.

As he made his way home, he saw something that caught his eye. A boy leaning against a house, cigarette in hand. But of course it wasn't just any boy, it was Eden Ramsey.

Fay was planning on walking past, he really was, but then he remembered it. The feeling of Eden's ribs and the jut of his hips. It wasn't like he was planning on going to confront Eden about it, he just wanted to talk a bit. Hell, he didn't even know why he wanted to talk at all.

However, Eden noticed Fay first. It was impossible not to. The boy was deep within his own mind, singing to himself. Eden couldn't hear him very well, but it still sounded nice.

Fay approached Eden, both hands tucked inside the pockets of his ripped loose blue jeans. He wore a pink cold-shoulder sweatshirt over top. "Eden?" He spoke up.

"Fay." Smoke blew out of Eden's mouth, filling up the air around him. The cloud of grey swirled in the breeze, then dispersed into nothing.

"This where you live?" Fay asked, walking up to him, his drawstring bag swayed against his back. The house wasn't bad looking, painted a pale shade of blue with two stories. The yard wasn't perfectly kept, but that didn't really matter.

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