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Vingt-huit - Twenty-Eight

They fell asleep. Laying on that cozy rose gold bed with the laptop on Eden's lap. The movie ended long ago, the screen having timed out from hours of being untouched. Fay was a light sleeper who couldn't seem to sit still at all whilst he slept, snoring softly - Eden was a heavy sleeper who never moved once and didn't make so much as a sound.

The fairy lights were turned off while they were still awake to create more immersion, but all it had done was lull the boys to sleep. The words they exchanged in the backyard acted as a blanket. They showed how far they had both come, how much they both grew.

Even Fay had. Before that, before Eden, he just forgot about the past and the present. He didn't like to talk about Papa, or Charlot, because he didn't want to make anyone think that he was less than himself. Lafayette Dubois; the school's only out kid who would rather die than be anyone other than himself. Turned out that he wasn't always who he wanted to be.

He wanted to be a theater junkie. He wanted to sing his heart out and put on a show that no one could ever forget. But instead of standing on stage and acting as a way of masking his own problems, Fay had to face them. He had to face the fact that his brother was falling, and his newfound friend and crush was finally doing the opposite.

In a more obvious fashion, Eden had grown. He was little by little becoming a better version of himself. Someone who was slowly learning better ways of dealing with those dark and crippling thoughts. Now when he spoke, he didn't only hear Piper's voice. He also heard himself. Eden Ramsey; the boy who came along and rippled Fay's seemingly perfect little world.

He wanted to be just that, himself. He wanted to be able to peer inside of mirrors without experiencing the haunting realization that he wasn't who he wanted to be. Eden was beginning to think that it was possible. The pale skin and bruises beneath his eyes weren't going to fade, at least, not yet. But somethings would, like the constricting tangles in his hair and the jutting of his hips.

It was a small change to some, but it was a milestone for them both.

In that bed, one of the boys began to stir. Ironically enough, it wasn't the light sleeper. It was Eden Ramsey, his consciousness being pulled back into reality as the feeling of needing to pee set in. His eyelids fluttered softly as he tried to fight the urge. Of course, it didn't work.

Opening his green eyes, Eden groggily tried to grasp his surroundings. At first he started to panic, completely out of it and confused as to where he was. However, when his hand felt the hard surface of Fay's laptop on his lap, he started to remember what happened and where he was.

He could hear the soft snores coming from beside him, Fay's chest rising and falling gently as he slept. Eden couldn't really see much, the subtle glow of the half-moon pouring through Fay's open window. It took a few minutes before Eden properly gained awareness of his surroundings.

Very carefully, Eden set the device on the bed and stood up. He knew that he would have to get home. Destiny was probably terrified by his lack of a response, and she wasn't even aware of where he was. Eden would have to be leaving as soon as possible.

On Fay's dresser was where his phone sat, the time reading one twenty-three in the morning. There were a total of fifteen missed calls and messages from Destiny. Putting his phone back down, Eden crept across the room and towards the door. He needed to use the bathroom.

The door creaked ever-so-slightly behind him as he closed it. He let out a small breath when it didn't seem that Fay woke up. To his shock, there was some light in the hallway, coming from the space beneath the worn-down door. After talking with Fay, Eden guessed that it was Charlot's room. Though, he never did see him.

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